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Why is the Moon Called a Natural Satellite? This is the explanation Page all

KOMPAS.com – Earth have one satellite natural that is Month. However, it turns out that it’s not only Earth that has the Moon as a satellite, because every planet on Earth has a satellite Solar system must have their own natural satellites.

Satellite naturally also owned by a number of planets in this Solar System, such as the planet Mars with its moons Fobos and Deimos, or Jupiter which has several month and the largest of them is Ganymade, as well as Saturn which has dozens natural satellite orbiting this ringed planet.

Quoted from the page NASAWednesday (8/2/2017) a satellite is an object that moves around or orbits another object that is larger.

Generally, the term satellite is widely used to refer to large man-made technology to be placed in orbit and can transmit internet signals.

Maybe there are still a lot of people wondering Why is the Moon called a natural satellite? for the planets in the Solar System?

So, to answer it the secret of the universe This time discusses the moon as a natural satellite.

Also read: The Origin of Earth’s Satellite Moon is Again Questioned, Here’s Why

NASA explains that the Moon is called a satellite because it moves around the planets, including Earth. the moon is Earth satellite or Earth’s natural sattelite.

As for natural satellite is an object in outer space that orbits around another object that is larger in size.

Thus, any large object that orbits around the planet is referred to as the Moon.

Unlike other planets, as is known, Earth has one Moon which takes 27.3 days to orbit and moves at an orbital speed of 1 km per second.

The moon is thought to have formed about 4.51 billion years ago, with a diameter of 3,474 km. Meanwhile, the average distance from Earth to the Moon is 384,400 km.

The moon appears to move across the sky from east to west, in the same direction as the sun.

However, this assumption turned out to be incorrect, because the Moon, this natural satellite, orbits the Earth from west to east.

Also read: NASA Opens Samples from the Moon Collected in 1972, Here’s the Process

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If we see the Moon seems to move from east to west, it is due to the Earth’s very fast axial rotation.

The moon has a very thin atmosphere, called the exosphere. The entire surface of the Moon is a crater and a hole, caused by collisions.

Earth satellites it does not produce its own light, because it reflects the light of the Sun. Thus, the Moon will glow when viewed from Earth.

The same half of the Moon will be facing Earth at all times no matter where the Moon is moving.

However, other parts of the Moon are exposed to sunlight and can look different at different times of the month.

As reportedScience Learni of the HubWednesday (05/20/2015), the Solar System has eight official planets as well as millions of minor planets, asteroids, comets, and other objects that orbit around the Sun.

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All these celestial bodies can be considered as natural satellites. All natural satellites constantly revolve around the planets around them because of their orbits, and are attracted by the gravitational attraction between the satellites.

The largest planet, Jupiter, is known to have a giant Moon which was discovered in 1610 AD by Galileo. A few years later, astronomer Simon Marius named Jupiter’s Moon into Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto.

So far, Jupiter has at least 53 moons with names and another 26 moons that have yet to be officially named.

Galileo was the first to discover that other planets could have moons. He saw that Jupiter had four moons with his telescope in 1610 AD.

At first, he thought the object was a star but he noticed that every night, the four points of light seemed to change position slightly. In the end Galileo realized that they were actually Moons orbiting around Jupiter.

Also read: Getting to know the full snow moon that adorns the Indonesian sky tonight

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