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How EHT’s Super-Telescope Photographs Black Holes in Space?

Event Horizon Telescope

The black hole at the center of the Milky Way galaxy as captured by astronomers on the Event Horizon Telescope.

Nationalgeographic.co.id—Last week, the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT), managed to reveal black hole giant nicknamed Sagittarius A*. The existence of EHT is very helpful for humans in studying these mysterious space objects.

Through a network of radio dishes, the EHT is designed to detect the beam of light as matter disappears into the mouth of a black hole. The technology is powerful enough to see objects the size of golf balls on the moon.

So, what is EHT and how does the technology work?

Reported from Phys.orgin an article entitled Snapping a black hole: How the EHT super-telescope works. EHT is a cross-world network of antennas that form a virtual telescope, with a size as wide as the Earth, or about 10,000 kilometers. EHT was launched in 2015 involving 80 different astronomical institutions.

In 2019, EHT captured the first image of a black hole named M87* in a galaxy far from our own. In theory, observing black holes is impossible, because no light can escape. But EHT has found a solution.

The technology captures flashes of light when matter such as planets, debris, and anything else that comes close to them, is sucked into a black hole. This is called the event horizon.

“We were able to detect the silhouette of a black hole against a background of glowing gas and dust,” said Frederic Geth from the Franco-German Institute of Millimetric Radio-astronomy, at Phys.org.

British cosmologist Stephen Hawking once described the event horizon with the parable of crossing Niagara Falls in a canoe, “if you’re over a waterfall, it’s still possible to escape if you rock hard enough. However, once you pass the lip of the waterfall, there is no way back after all.”

How EHT Sees A* Segetarius


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