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Can be a nest of bacteria, don’t take your cellphone to the bathroom anymore


Cell phones taken to the bathroom can be a breeding ground for bacteria.

Bobo.id – A lot of people can’t get away with their cell phones. Not even a few bring cell phone the toilet.

Usually many people will take it during bowel movements to fight boredom.

Even without a cell phone, we can do it in ten minutes. But with cell phones, we can do it for up to half an hour.

Reported from kompas.comOn average, feces under normal conditions can contain 11 billion germs per gram, lo.

If your friends are people who like to play with their cellphones while on the toilet, you should stop this habit right now, OK?

Spent a few minutes at bathroom Carrying this cellphone is potentially dangerous, because there is a risk of transmitting germs from bathroom fixtures to the cellphone and then to your face.

Collect Boldskyscientists found more than 17,000 copies of the gene bacteria and 20 different dominant microbial species.

Bacteria in the Bathroom

It is common knowledge that the bathroom is one of the dirtiest places in the house.

Also Read: Cockroaches Often Appear in the Bathroom? Try to get rid of it with these 7 natural ingredients

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