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A white march in homage to the dockworkers murdered in le Havre

A white march in homage to the dockworkers found murdered in the parking lot of a school in Montivilliers last June 12, was attended by about 6 000 people in le Havre, this Saturday 20th of June 2020. There were 2,500 participants, according to the police.

The crowd was already very dense in front of the fireplace of the trade unions of dockers, before the start of the march, at 14: 30. In front, leading the way, the family of the victim. In their hands, a large banner blackwith written in white letters : “The unbearable. The loss of our colossus Allan with a heart of gold. A dad’s copy, a man beloved of all.”

The procession moved up to the Chamber of commerce and industry before skirting the Vauban basin and the basin of the English Channel, until the ark of the container, emblematic of the city. Impossible to ask questions or take photographs of the walk. The organizers have forbidden all the journalists present on the spot.

Near the ark, the crowd formed a huge circle around the family of the victim. The father of the dockworker took the floor, moved to tears, thanking the crowd, which responded with applause. After a minute of silence, the participants are dispersed.

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