Home » News » [정치]Posco chairman who bowed his head at the National Assembly again… criticized the political circles “live show”

[정치]Posco chairman who bowed his head at the National Assembly again… criticized the political circles “live show”

Over 40 deaths from POSCO’s industrial accidents in the past 5 years
POSCO Chairman Jeong-Woo Choi attends the hearing of the National Assembly
Chairman Choi complains of lower back pain and struggles to attend once


POSCO Group Chairman Jeong-Woo Choi attended the National Assembly hearing and once again expressed his apology for POSCO’s constant industrial accidents.

However, the ruling and opposition lawmakers criticized Choi with one voice, saying,’Isn’t it alive?’ and’There are insufficient measures for partner companies.’

Reporter Kim Joo-young reports.


Over the past five years, more than 40 workers have died from industrial accidents at three locations: Pohang Steel, Gwangyang Steel, and POSCO E&C.

POSCO’s Chairman Jeong-Woo Choi, who was even considered the worst company due to industrial accidents, stood at the National Assembly’s Environmental Labor Committee hearing.

He said he had back pain, and once indicated difficulty in attendance, and eventually came out.

[김 웅 / 국민의힘 환경노동위원회 위원 : 요추부 염좌상이나 경추부 염좌상 같은 경우에는 주로 보험 사기꾼들이 내는 건데 주식회사 포스코 대표이사께서 내실 만한 그런 진단서는 아니라고 보이고요.]

When criticism broke out from the first inquiry, Chairman Choi bowed his head and said he apologized.

[최정우 / 포스코 회장 : 최근 연이은 사고에 대해서 국민 여러분께 심려를 끼쳐드린 데 대해 대단히 죄송하고 이 자리에서 유족분들께 진심으로 사죄드립니다.]

However, regardless of the opposition party, the offensive against Chairman Choi has not stopped.

Mentioning the fact that serious industrial accidents continued even after the inauguration of Chairman Choi, he criticized whether this apology was a livelihood for the public.

[임이자 / 국민의힘 환경노동위원회 간사 : 많은 사법 조치가 이루어졌고 시정명령까지 합쳤을 때는 어마어마한 숫자입니다. 회장님 취임하고 나서 일어난 일입니다.]

[노웅래 / 더불어민주당 환경노동위원회 위원 : 지금 대국민 사과하셨는데 이건 대국민 생쇼라고밖에 볼 수밖에 없는 거고요.]

In particular, the employees of POSCO’s subcontractors and subcontractors suffered a great deal of damage from industrial accidents.

In response to repeated criticism, Chairman Choi promised to make large-scale investments in improving old facilities while lowering his body.

[최정우 / 포스코 회장 : 앞으로 3년 동안 1조 원을 늘려서 계속 이렇게 신속히 안전 시설물을 개보수하게 되면 아마 산업 재해는 상당히 줄고….]

Since Chairman Choi’s inauguration, POSCO has made it an important goal to create a safe and comfortable workplace, but only 20 people died in industrial accidents.

It is noteworthy whether POSCO, which ranks in the top 10 in the business world, can escape from the stigma of being the worst industrial accident company.

YTN Kim Joo-young[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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