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[전문의 칼럼] Stress that builds up in the “fatigue fracture” bones

[박철 윌스기념병원 관절센터 원장] Stress is the psychological and physical tension we feel when we find ourselves in an environment that is difficult to adapt to. As stress builds up, various symptoms such as headaches, stomach pain, poor concentration, skin problems, hair loss and weight gain can appear, and a recent study found that the aging of the immune system accelerates. Stress, the source of all diseases, can also accumulate in the bones that make up our body.

Stressed bones have the disease names “Stress Fracture” and “Stress Fracture”. No bone disease or trauma, but continuous training or exercise

Cheol Park, Director of the Joint Center at Wills Memorial Hospital

A fracture that is not completely broken is an interstitial fracture that occurs when stress builds up on part of the bone during phosphorus stimulation. It occurs easily in the shinbone between the knee and ankle, in the top of the foot, in the heel or in the ribs.

In particular, it occurs mainly below the knee, which must support the entire body weight, and it occurs easily when not a great force is applied at once, but when excessive activity is repeated, relatively easy to see. However, these days, with the increase in sports activities, even ordinary people who enjoy exercise often suffer from fatigue fractures. This is because it can also occur if you repeatedly train in hard-soled shoes or thin soles that don’t absorb shock. In addition, nutritional deficiencies, lack of sleep and obesity also have an effect.

Since it appeared without major impact and the pain may not be very intense, there are cases where a stress fracture is not even aware. However, if it is accompanied by severe muscle pain and swelling, or if the pain (pain) becomes severe when the affected area is pressed, a stress fracture may be suspected.

If you have been diagnosed with a stress fracture in the back of your foot or shin (front of the calf), rest and fix it with a splint or patch, medication, and physical therapy. If it is not treated in time it is rare, but it should not be easily seen because in addition to fixing the metal plate it can also perform bone grafts. Rib stress fractures are common among golf beginners because they often hit too hard. At this time, you should minimize upper body movements, get enough rest, and take an anti-inflammatory pain reliever if the pain is severe.

Low-weight exercise such as water walking, swimming, and low-intensity stationary biking can help heal stress fractures. Doing these exercises regularly to gain muscle mass can prevent relapses. To avoid this, it is good to stretch and warm up before training.

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