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[전국]NHIS ’embezzlement of 4.6 billion won’… 2 months of fugitive employees

An employee of the Health Insurance Corporation fled the Philippines after embezzling 4.6 billion won
Discussion on how to remedy employee misappropriation
Interpol Red wanted to investigate fugitive Filipino employees
Establish measures to prevent recurrences… “It’s like losing a cow and repairing a stable”


An incident occurred last September in which an employee of the National Health Insurance Corporation embezzled 4.6 billion won and fled.

More than two months have passed, but the escaped employee is still in broad daylight, and the missing taxman has not been found.

This is reporter Hong Seong-wook.


4.62 billion won.

This is the money embezzled by Choi, the head of the financial management office of the Health Insurance Corporation, for six months since last April.

When I confirmed the fact of embezzlement last September, I had already taken a vacation and was hiding in the Philippines.

All the money recovered was 700 million won and 3.9 billion won in national taxes evaporated.

[강도태 / 국민건강보험공단 이사장 (지난달 보건복지위원회 국정감사) : 저희가 최대한 환수 노력을 하고요. 가능하면 국민께 피해가 가지 않는 방안을 저희가 논의하고 또 만들어 보도록 하겠습니다.]

It has already been more than two months since the employee who embezzled billions of won fled overseas. However, the whereabouts are still unknown and it has not yet been decided how to recover the money.

A rumor was also circulating within the company that employees were discussing how to offset the amount of the embezzlement.

However, rumors of dissatisfaction came out, saying that the person who stole the money and the person who returned it left, and it became nothing.

[국민건강보험공단 관계자(음성변조) : 지금 현재는 아무것도 나와 있는 사항은 없어요. 직원이 십시일반 모아서 어떻게 할 건지 그런 부분에 대해서는 아직 논의되고 있는 건 없어요.]

Ultimately, the situation is only looking at the police investigation.

Foreman Choi fled alone to the Philippines, leaving his family behind in Korea.

The police have invalidated Choi’s passport and are conducting an investigation in cooperation with Interpol.

[경찰 관계자(음성변조) : 필리핀에서 바깥으로는 못 나간 것 같아요. 바깥으로는 못 나간 거 같은데 필리핀이 섬이 7,000개가 넘어서….]

The Ministry of Health and Welfare issued a warning to the Health Insurance Company and demanded severe punishments from three officers, including managers.

The Health Insurance Corporation has also established measures to prevent a recurrence, but the whereabouts of the missing employee cannot be found, and there is a stinging voice criticizing that the cow lost and repaired the cowshed.

This is YTN’s Hong Seong-wook.

Sungwook Hong of YTN ([email protected])

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