Home » today » News » [사회][단독] “I will never eat watermelon again” Forced to repeat … “ignorant abuse” by the fire chief

[사회][단독] “I will never eat watermelon again” Forced to repeat … “ignorant abuse” by the fire chief


A fire chief in Seoul publicly assaulted and fired employees who ate the watermelon sent from headquarters, but was fired from his position due to bullying at work.

They are said to push the employee to be a thief and even force him to repeat himself, saying, “I will never eat watermelon again.”

Journalist Kang Min-kyung reports exclusively.


In early July, when the heat was in full swing, two watermelons arrived at Eunpyeong Fire Station in Seoul.

It was a fruit sent by the Seoul Fire and Disaster Headquarters to encourage the employees and employees of the administration team who received the gift for the first time ate a bottle.

The problem is:

The fire chief called the staff to say they ate the watermelon without a report.

Fire Chief A is known to be angry with the staff during the trial, saying, “Why did you eat the watermelon that came to me?” or “You stole the watermelon”.

He didn’t stop there, but he called the employees in the boss’s office and made them shout a slogan with the effect of “I’ll never eat watermelon again.”

Chief A, who ran the “watermelon gapjil”, was fired from his position on the 14th of last month due to an internal employee report.

At the time, the Seoul Fire and Disaster Headquarters also secured a log file and launched an investigation.

Chief A states that there was a difference of opinion with the staff.

[A 소방서장 : 직원들 한 이야기를 가지고 여기서 다투는 게 보기는 안 좋고 그러네요. 생각이 좀 다를 수는 있겠죠.]

However, that wasn’t the only thing Chief A.

As a result of YTN’s coverage, Chief A is known to have publicly treated blind personnel as invisible and also restricted the leave of certain crew members.

The Fire Department Disciplinary Commission is also investigating further cases of harassment in the workplace of Chief A.

[김주형 / 공무원노조 소방본부장 : 경직된 문화에서 일어나는 이런 직장 내 괴롭힘은 없어져야 한다고 생각합니다. 이런 조직 문화는 (소방) 지휘 체계와는 전혀 별개의 문제고요.]

Seoul Fire and Disaster Headquarters will soon call Chief A to hold a disciplinary committee and determine the level of disciplinary action.

Earlier, in June, another fire chief in Seoul was caught driving an official car every weekend to enjoy his hobby, national archery, and the controversy was raised. moral hazard among the firefighters.

It is emphasized that such abusive behavior by firefighters should be punished with a single punishment also in order to raise the morale of frontline firefighters who protect lives in the face of fires and emergency situations.

I am YTN Kang Min-kyung.

YTN Kang Min-kyung ([email protected])

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