Home » today » World » [국제]The China-Japan summit will be held on the 17th… Japan expects a “Chinese setback” with Korea

[국제]The China-Japan summit will be held on the 17th… Japan expects a “Chinese setback” with Korea

Xi Jinping and Kishida hold summit in Thailand on the 17th
China-Japan Summit… Held for the first time in 3 years since December 2019


After the United States, Japan will also hold a summit with China on the 17th.

Japan is in the mood to promote dialogue and at the same time expect Korea to unite to contain China.

Correspondent Kyung-ah Lee reports from Tokyo.


Chinese President Xi Jinping and Japanese Prime Minister Kishida will meet in Thailand on the 17th ahead of the APEC summit.

The China-Japan summit will be held for the first time in three years from December 2019.

The Japanese government officially announced the meeting agenda and stressed the importance of stabilizing bilateral relations.

[마쓰노 히로카즈 / 일본 관방장관 : 일본과 중국 사이에는 현재 여러 가능성과 함께 많은 과제와 현안이 있습니다. 건설적이고 안정적인 양국 관계를 서로의 노력으로 구축해 갈 필요가 있습니다.]

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic relations between the two countries in September, President Xi Jinping also launched a message saying, “Let’s build bilateral relations that meet the needs of the new era.”

[쿵 쉬안 유 / 주일 중국대사 (지난 9월 29일) : 중일 관계는 새로운 역사적 출발점에 있으며 중요한 기로에 서 있습니다. 다음 50년은 어디로 향해야 하는지 서로 진지하게 답하지 않으면 안 됩니다.]

While Japan promotes dialogue with China, it does not let go of the rope of containment.

This is because Chinese government ships frequently come and go around the Senkaku Islands, which are subject to territorial disputes.

Prime Minister Kishida raised this situation at the East Asia summit held earlier and directly criticized China.

Japan underlines that it has decided to cooperate with Korea for the first time to carry out a diplomatic plan to contain China, a ‘free and open Indo-Pacific’.

[기시다 후미오 / 일본 관방장관 : 일한(한일) 정상회담에서 윤 대통령과 북한 문제뿐 아니라 ‘자유롭고 열린 인도 태평양’의 실현을 위해서도 연계해 간다는 것을 확인했습니다.]

The Japanese government expressed a sense of crisis, saying, “It is a serious situation in which a movement is being created to directly deny the international order.”

The Indo-Pacific initiative, to be announced next spring, will contain concrete measures in response to China’s expansion of power, such as providing maritime patrol boats to countries in the South China Sea region.

I’m YTN Kyungah Lee from Tokyo.

YTN Lee Kyung-ah

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