Home » today » World » [국제]North Korean missiles captured in Dandong, China … The train trade remains the same

[국제]North Korean missiles captured in Dandong, China … The train trade remains the same


Simultaneously launched North Korean missiles were seen in the border region of Dandong, China.

North Korea-China freight trains are operating as usual despite the armed provocations in front of them.

I am Beijing correspondent Kang Jeong-gyu.


At dawn, clouds of rockets cross the sky.

This photo was taken in Dandong, the border region between North Korea and China, and is presumed to be a North Korean missile launch.

Earlier, the South Korean military said yesterday (2nd) that North Korea fired 25 missiles into the East Sea and the West Sea for one day.

Among them, Pihyeon-gun, in northern Pyongan province, is only 20 km from the border.

The cost of launching the missile is estimated to be around $ 70 million, which is equivalent to the price of one year’s worth of rice imported from North Korea from China.

Despite the armed provocation in front of the nose and the Corona 19 blockade in Dandong, North China freight trains are entering and exiting as usual.

The next day, North Korea launched an additional missile purportedly an ICBM, but China nevertheless repeated its principled position.

[자오리젠 / 중국 외교부 대변인 : 한반도 문제의 핵심을 직시하고 서로 마주 보며 의미 있는 대화를 재개할 수 있는 여건을 조성하길 바랍니다.]

Then, indirectly, he pointed the arrow at the United States, saying that the context and origin of the situation on the Korean Peninsula up to this point are clear.

State media openly helped North Korea, saying military deterrence against North Korea would only lead to more backlash.

The People’s Daily, the official Chinese Communist Party newspaper, introduced Xi Jinping’s congratulatory message from various countries for the third consecutive term, and was the first to carry Kim Jong-un’s message.

This is more important than Vietnamese Communist Party Secretary General Nguyen Phu Trong or Russian President Vladimir Putin, who is a “third term elder”.

It is considered one of the backgrounds of the relations between North Korea and China, which have become more open strategic provocations since Xi Jinping’s third term.

My name is Jeonggyu Kang from YTN in Beijing.

YTN Kang Jeong-gyu ([email protected])

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