11.02.2021 – 13:04
Police headquarters in Mannheim
Schwetzingen / Rhein-Neckar district (ots)
A 77-year-old man in Schwetzingen was the victim of tricky fraudsters on Tuesday afternoon. Around noon the senior received a call from an alleged good friend who pretended to have caused a serious accident and now urgently needed a 5-digit cash amount to settle the claim. A messenger from the workshop will collect the money directly from him. The victim then went to the bank and withdrew the requested amount. When he got home, he received another call in which the injured party was instructed to hand over the money to the messenger at a nearby pharmacy, which the messenger did. Another call came around 45 minutes to confirm that the money had now arrived.
The victim could describe the person collecting it as follows:
- Männlich - Osteuropäische Erscheinung - Ca. 170 cm groß - Etwas rundliche Figur - Schwarze Haare - Trug einen dunklen Mantel und eine OP-Maske
Only when the true acquaintance accidentally called the 77-year-old at around 5 p.m. did it come to light that he had been caught in a perfidious fraud.
Witnesses who noticed the man described and who can provide relevant information are asked to report to the criminal police department in Heidelberg, Tel .: 0621 / 174-4444.
In the Mannheim district of Vogelstang, an alleged bank employee had contacted a 67-year-old man by phone and pretended that an unauthorized person was trying to withdraw money from his bank account. In order to cancel this booking, he needs the access data for his home banking access. He should then not log into his bank account for at least 48 hours. After this period he noticed an unauthorized transfer of several thousand euros.
On Wednesday afternoon in Mannheim, Heidelberg and in the Rhein-Neckar district, numerous senior citizens between the ages of 64 and 96 received similar calls from false police officers or alleged grandchildren. However, since the people called were sensitized to the scam through past media reports, there was no financial damage in these cases.
The police therefore urgently point out the following tips:
- Die Polizei ruft nicht unter der Polizeinotrufnummer 110 an! - Am Telefon nicht unter Druck setzen lassen! Ggf. einfach auflegen! - Nicht am Telefon über persönliche und finanzielle Verhältnisse sprechen! - Misstrauen ist angebracht bei Forderungen nach schnellen Entscheidungen, Kontaktaufnahme mit Fremden sowie Herausgabe von persönlichen Daten, Bargeld, Schmuck oder Wertgegenständen. - Wenn Sie einen Anruf eines vermeintlichen Polizisten erhalten und auf Nummer sicher gehen wollen: Namen notieren und selbst die Nummer des nächsten Reviers heraussuchen, wählen und nachfragen! Nicht verbinden lassen, nicht die Rückruftaste oder eine angebliche Nummer der Polizei wählen, die bei einem solchen Gespräch durchgegeben wurden!
You can find more information and tips on the “false police officer” scam here:
Please send any questions to:
Police headquarters in Mannheim
Public Relations Office
Michael Klump
Telephone: 0621 174-1111
Email: [email protected]
Original content by: Police Headquarters Mannheim, transmitted by news aktuell
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