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ZUS (Social Insurance Institution) contributions – exemption from contributions. Warning! An important deadline is passing

This is help for self-employed people and employing up to 9 employees.

Exemption from social security contributions – conditions

However, you must meet the following conditions:

• income for March (or the first month for which the application was submitted) could not exceed PLN 15,681;

• if the income exceeded PLN 15,681, the income could not be higher than PLN 7,000. If you are in this situation, you can apply for exemption from contributions only for April and May;

• you also get such a discount if you use the so-called discount for start (then you can also take advantage of exemption from ZUS contributions for April and May).

Note that you will not take advantage of the exemption from contributions if you have debt in paying ZUS contributions longer than in 12 months.

What if you have already paid premiums and still want to take advantage of the exemption?

You can apply to ZUS. The bet will not refund any overpaid contributions, but they will be on your ZUS account and may be used to pay contributions in the following months. To take advantage of the exemption from contributions, you must submit an application to ZUS. On one application you can apply for a payment relief for three months (i.e. for March, April and May).

(Source: ZUS, Fakt.pl, own study)

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Author: MaLu, JUW

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