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Zurich Equal Opportunities Prize at Sans-Papiers contact point Zurich SPAZ

It is estimated that around 10,000 people live in the city of Zurich whose residence in Switzerland is not legally regulated. This situation can lead to abuse, exploitation, and isolation. Women without regular residence are particularly vulnerable due to their position as women and sometimes as mothers. Many of them work as employees in private households, where they do cleaning and maintenance work. However, they often work under precarious conditions.

The SPAZ aims to improve the situation of sans papiers in the city of Zurich. The non-profit organization founded in 2005 works to ensure that sans-papiers can exercise their basic rights. In addition, the organization carries out awareness-raising and public relations work. The SPAZ pays special attention to the situation of sans-papiers women. She is committed to protecting them from (sexual) exploitation and supports women in making use of city services such as health care and old-age provision. Many of the women affected are single mothers. This supports the SPAZ in emotional and material terms as well as in matters relating to births, motherhood or school enrollment for their children. In this way, the SPAZ makes an important contribution to the equality of sans-papiers women in the city of Zurich.

Effects of the corona pandemic

For years, most of the people advised have been women. In 2019, the SPAZ carried out around 2,500 consultations. As a result of the corona pandemic, the need for advice increased sharply. Last year, the City of Zurich therefore financed a temporary part-time position in consulting with CHF 35,000. Due to the continued high demand, the financing of the additional percentages for advice centers was extended for the years 2021 and 2022.

Numerous Sans-Papiers were hit particularly hard by the Corona crisis. Due to the measures taken to contain the coronavirus, they lost their jobs and some of them got into existential emergencies. The SPAZ provided important support here, launched an appeal for donations and distributed the financial support that had been given to people with no papers. With Caritas Zurich, the Swiss Red Cross Canton of Zurich and Solidara Zurich (formerly Zurich City Mission), the SPAZ is also responsible for implementing the new “Basic Economic Aid”, with which people anchored in Zurich without access to social welfare and people who receive take risks from social welfare, receive temporary financial support in emergencies to cover their basic needs (media release of May 10, 2021).

The SPAZ employs eight part-time employees and is supported by around ten volunteers, interns and community service providers. The organization is mainly financed through private donations, contributions from churches and foundations and charity events.

The equal opportunity award will be presented to the Sans Papiers contact point by the chairman of the jury, City Councilor Michael Baumer, at a ceremony on Monday, July 5th, 2021 at 7 p.m. in the town hall. The celebration will be broadcast online.

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