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Züri-Sack: The smallest overtakes the big ones

Since the beginning of 2023, a garbage fee bag (Züri-Sack) with a volume of just 10 liters has been available in the city of Zurich. The smallest Züri-Sack in history is already in the fast lane: in its first year alone, its market share was 4.7 percent, which was higher than the share of the 60 and 110-liter bags (see graphic). The total number of Züri-Sacks sold in 2023 was 11.9 million, slightly lower than in the previous year (12.3 million). The 10-liter bag is particularly suitable for households that pay attention to producing little waste when shopping and then consistently separate and recycle.

More transparency in Züri-Sack sales prices

After the city reduced the garbage volume fee as of January 1, 2023, the stores reduced their sales prices for Züri bags – but not all to the same extent. The media coverage of this led to all major retailers eventually following suit.

The local council sets the fees, the shops set their selling prices

In the city of Zurich, the municipal council sets the garbage volume fee. The waste management ordinance states how much the fee is for a Züri sack with a volume of 10, 17, 35, 60 or 110 liters. The fee is collected through the sale of the Züri sacks in a polluter-pays manner. Entsorgung + Recycling Zürich (ERZ) uses this income to cover the costs associated with garbage collection and disposal. The costs for manufacturing, transport, storage and distribution of the Züri sacks are paid by the retailers. They add these costs to the fee share and thus determine their sales prices. This leads to different sales prices due to the different cost structures of the shops. In return, many shops in the city of Zurich offer Züri sacks – from wholesalers to gas station shops. The competitive situation promotes low margins and low sales prices.

Website with highest and lowest selling prices

In order to increase transparency in this market, ERZ now periodically collects sample sales prices from various stores. The highest and lowest prices observed are published on the city of Zurich’s website. This gives Zurich residents an easy way to check whether their preferred Züri-Sack sales outlet is charging a reasonable price.

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