The Asociation ‘Ye too Ponese’ promoted by the City Council of Aviles throw the Transit project, a free psychological support service for families and adolescents whose objective is to help manage coexistence problems derived from confinement by the pandemic of the COVID-19.
The new and complex situation that we are experiencing generates many stressful situations derived from the fear of contagion, economic problems, the employment situation, school uncertainty … Aware of the consequences that all this unprecedented health crisis can lead to families and Taking into account their long history, since 2004, they have devised the Transit Project. The goal is to provide an escape route with a professional on the other side.
“Adolescents are relying on online contact and social networks,” he says Zulema Cadenas. One of the members of the association points out, however, that “they still need regular physical contact and affection and at this stage is when they build their identity, something complex in these circumstances.” The use of networks generates tensions, and it is that “For young people it has been a very abrupt change from their school routines without prior preparation.”
He support for that is provided revolves around the search for more constructive ways to relate to everyone who lives in the same house, in many cases in a very small space. While it is true that de-escalation measures are facilitating the release of family members from confinement, the consequences will last.
The Attention it will be personalized and it will be carried out through the routes chosen by the families (phone, chat, email or video call). To access this new service, families must inscribe previously and respond to a questionnaire available in the web.