Home » today » Business » Zug Government Councilors’ Declining Secondary Income Leads to Financial Changes

Zug Government Councilors’ Declining Secondary Income Leads to Financial Changes

The Zug government council (from left): Florian Weber, Stephan Schleiss, Andreas Hostettler, Silvia Thalmann-Gut, Heinz Tännler, Martin Pfister, Laura Dittli. (Image: zvg)

In addition to their full-time position as a government councilor, the members of the Zug executive must hold secondary positions. Their income ends up in the state treasury. Recently the amount fell.

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In 2023, the Zug government councilors pocketed 28,185 francs in fees and compensation from secondary positions. That is 15,815 francs less than in 2022, according to a statement from the canton. The members of the Zug government must disclose all income – it flows into the state treasury.

The government explains that the reason for the decline in fees last year was two mandates. On the one hand, in 2023, no member of the Zug government council was represented on the board of directors of the Canton of Zug building insurance company. On the other hand, there were no longer any fees from the meetings of Schweizer Salinen AG.

What are part-time positions?

Government councilors actually carry out their mandate full-time – but to do this they have to take on many part-time tasks on behalf of the canton. Some tasks are financially compensated, but many are not. Zentralplus has put together a quiz about the most important secondary offices of Zug’s government councils.

The government councils must publish the mandates, secondary positions and other memberships once a year. Since 2014, the government has also shown how much time each member has spent on a part-time job and how much compensation they received.

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2024-01-21 16:28:55
#Secondary #positions #Zug #government #generate #money #centralplus

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