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Zuckerberg Sued Over Cambridge Analytica Scandal

Land Fiscalía Washington DC has sued Mark Zuckerberg for the privacy scandal with Facebook user data, starring Cambridge Analytica. The reasons date back to the middle of the last decade, when the British consultancy used an application to collect millions of data from Facebook Internet users without their consent and for political purposes.

The company used data from the platform to develop psychological profiles of voters, that they sold to the campaign of the now former president of the United States Donald Trump (2017-2021) during the 2016 elections, among others.

By announcing the complaint, District of Columbia Attorney General Karl Racine, assured that his investigations indicate that Zuckerberg had a “direct participation” in the privacy errors that allowed Cambridge Analytica to carry out its activities. “We are suing Mark Zuckerberg for his role in Facebook’s deceptive privacy practices and his failure to protect the data of millions of users,” Racine wrote on her Twitter account.

the attorney general claimed to have a lot of evidence against Zuckerberg. Racine justified the complaint centered on the most prominent figure in Meta in that, in his opinion, the consequences of breaking the law should fall not only on the companies, but also on their executives. The lawsuit was filed in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia.

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Racine v Zuckerberg, second bout

mark zuckerberg has been sued by the washington district attorney for the cambridge analytica scandal

This is the second time Racine has tried to directly implicate Meta’s CEO in his legal battles against the company. The first took place in 2018when he sued the firm and tried to personalize the accusation on Zuckerberg, something that the judge dismissed.

Following the uproar caused by the Cambridge Analytica revelation in March 2018, the social network opened an internal investigation about how the apps he regularly worked with or had deals with use user data, and ended up suspending several of them.

Cambridge Analytica’s is just one of the many scandals in which Meta, until last year known as Facebook, has been involved in recent years. The most recent is the leak of internal documents to the press by a former employee last year.

These documents reveal, among other things, that the company puts its profits before user safety and hides that its platforms are harmful to minors, especially adolescents. (EFE)

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