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Zoran for Silvia Petkova: In 22 seconds. I understand that she is angry – I know her gait

The winner of “Survivor” dreams of a house on the Iskar dam with his family

– Zoran, you said that at the age of 40 you will retire. What are your retirement plans?

– To find a house on the first line of the Iskar dam. In the morning, while Silveto and our son Siva are kayaking in the water, I have already lit the grill, the line has been released and I am waiting for a fish to be caught. The rest of the time I will make bracelets on the shore of the dam and I will be engaged in carpentry.

– Does this mean that Sylvia will retire?

Zoran: No, that’s why we are looking for a house near Sofia. May she return, and I will cook at home, clean all day, look after the child and do all the things so necessary for a man in the 21st century.

Sylvia: You can feel his subtle sense of humor …

– What was the first thing you did together after “Survivor”?

Zoran: Sex.

Sylvia: We went to the sea. Zoki landed in Sofia and went directly to the flight to Bourgas, where I was waiting for him. We went to the caravan, where I had arranged a meeting with all our friends. We had a crazy party. We did not give him time to catch his breath, we brought him back directly to the Bulgarian sea reality. From one sea to another.

– Zoran, aren’t you fed up with the sea in the Philippines?

– No. I am such a person – territorial. I can go to one place and sit there for months. When Silveto was pregnant, we were on Karadere for two months – we spent almost one “Survivor”. I didn’t even go to the shop. No phone, nothing. A tent on the beach and I felt perfect.

– And do you spend more time together after the show?

Zoran: We spend all the time together in the world. We are together constantly, ie there is no way more than that.

– Have you been apart for so long before?

Sylvia: When he made action movies in India, he also went for 30-40 days, but we have no problem. Our relationship is so strong that whether we hug or talk on the phone, the feeling is equally strong.

– Have you separated from the child for a long time?

Sylvia: Yes. He regularly goes to Skopje for a month or two with his grandparents. We are not one of those families who cannot breathe without each other, we even think that it is very useful for the little one to diversify and see that there are other authorities besides his mother and father.

– Sylvia, are you more jealous of Zoran after the show?

“I’m not jealous.” I fully believe that he chose me and loves me. Rather, I have demands on myself to be better and to stop annoying him so often. But jealousy is not, on the contrary, I am glad that so many people are rediscovering and re-evaluating it.

– How do you anger him most often?

Sylvia: I am very special, I often fall into some of my silent states. You know that behind every angry woman is a man who understands nothing. This happens to me very often – I get angry and some scenarios unfold in my head that he doesn’t even suspect. If I can say my wishes out loud more often, we won’t have any problems.

– How does he react to this – how does he calm you down?

Sylvia: Oh, it calms me down … it grits its teeth until I realize.

Zoran: Ah, it’s not true, I’m silent. I just nod. It is the most difficult to answer an unasked question, but I am already succeeding and I am doing it.

“And how long does it take him to realize something’s wrong?”

Zoran: 22 seconds. Of course on the gait – just by going down the stairs, I realize that something is wrong.

Sylvia: He has to guess what it is. He knows me so well, at times even better than I do. With us, misunderstandings and scandals always come out of nowhere. We are both so temperamental and fiery that a word of silence can turn the cart very seriously during the day. But the next day he usually stops, says a long monologue about what I’m wrong about and that things can’t be that way. I look down in embarrassment, pick my nails and agree.

– Zoran, during “Survivor” what did you miss the most besides your family?

“I missed nothing but family.” It was as if I was on our Black Sea coast. I just wanted my wife and child brought. I didn’t miss the phone, or the TV, or any special food. Instead, I made shells for bracelets and necklaces.

– After spending so much time without these amenities, did you limit their use after the show?

– No. The second you re-enter real life, everything comes back very abruptly. It immediately starts with the phone, Instagram, Facebook … And I haven’t left them. I am with Powerbank all the time, I charge my phone 30 times a day.

– You said that you will pursue an influencing career. How are things going there?

– Things are going very well, I already have many inquiries.

– Sylvia, did you disappoint Zoran with something while you were on the show?

– No. In my opinion, he presented himself very well. He showed all the qualities he has in real life. I am impressed that he did not pretend and that he never lied to anyone. He acted according to plan and his conviction of justice. Maybe he could only treat Bo differently, but he never voted for her, so he still didn’t do anything to disappoint me. On the contrary, I am even more impressed with what kind of person he is.

“Did you find anything new for him?”

– No, he is like that in life. Commenting on the socks, he reacted in the same way. I had no doubt for a moment that he would do well, that he would be himself, and that humanity would come first for him.

– Zoran, did you find something new about yourself there?

– I became convinced that I should trust myself and my own intuition more than the advice given to me by others.

– Zoran, if Sylvia wants to enter the TV format now, will you support her?

Sylvia: She will not show such a desire.

Zoran: She had some inquiries, but they were not the right ones, otherwise I supported her, as long as it was something worthy and high quality.

Sylvia: I only enter “The Girl”! We’ve been joking about this lately. I really want to be the girl and make fun of the men who will be in this format, because after so many jokes with the girls from “The Bachelor” we just have to do the opposite reality. We are not married, I can pass for an old maid. It doesn’t matter that I have a boyfriend and a child. It’s all a joke though.

– Zoran, what is the response after your participation?

– To my surprise, 99.9% of the comments are positive. I was expecting a lot of hatred to come out, because that’s what happens when someone shows it on TV. But it didn’t happen – people greet me on the streets, stop cars, open windows, wave – it’s quite interesting. For example, only two people wrote to me on Instagram with negative comments, I answered one of them. We began to fear more and more the so-called haters and to bypass them and thus give them strength. I don’t respond to bad comments, but 10 other people who have seen something else directly repel the hater. We started as a society to defend ourselves, which makes a very good impression.

“Summer is knocking on the door.” Do you have any plans?

Zoran: Summer is coming and we are going to our caravan on the sea. We are there all summer as much as we can – more.

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