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Zone of health turbulence in sight on the Paris Stock Exchange

The Paris Bourse is expected to drop sharply on Monday, worried about the new variant of Covid-19, more contagious, which is “out of control” in England.

The CAC 40 index futures contract fell 1.60% about 40 minutes before the opening of the session. Despite a drop of 0.39% on Friday, the Parisian odds had risen over the week by 0.37% to 5,527, 84 points. “It is of course the violent mutation of the new coronavirus that worries», Notes John Plassard, investment specialist at Mirabaud.

More than 16 million Londoners and inhabitants of the south-east of England have since Sunday been under a new confinement that promises to be potentially long, forced to put a cross on Christmas to curb a mutant version “out of controlOf the new coronavirus, admitted British Minister of Health Matt Hancock. It could be up to 70% more contagious than the previous one according to epidemiologists.

In response, several countries on the continent suspended flights and links with England, while the World Health Organization called on its members in Europe to “strengthen their controls“. Italy detected a first case of contamination by this new strain on Sunday.

Reason for hope, however: experts from the European Union have come to the conclusion that the current vaccines remain effective against this new variant, the German government announced on Sunday evening. Health news has eclipsed the news of the agreement reached in the US Congress for a plan to support the economy. Democrats and Republicans have come to an agreement on measures representing “nearly $ 900 billionAccording to Republican Senate Leader Mitch McConnell. The vote is due to take place on Monday in front of both chambers.

However, no agreement between the European Union and the United Kingdom on Brexit, despite discussions that continued. If Sunday “was originally cited as the deadline for negotiations“, The differences remain, in particular on fishing, and”discussions continue todayComments David Madden, analyst at CMC Markets.

Among the values ​​to follow

Values ​​around air transport “will probably be the center of attention“Due to travel restrictions in Europe, anticipates David Madden.

More generally, cyclical stocks which depend on economic activity as well as leisure activities could also be under pressure, especially if the markets fear an extension of health restriction measures.

Bouygues Travaux Publics and its Croatian partner Bina Istra have won a contract for the construction of a fifth phase of the Istrian motorway in Croatia. It represents an amount of 197 million euros, the breakdown of which between the two companies has not been communicated.

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