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Zonal Hospital in Argentina Conducts Successful Multi-Organ Donation Operation

The Zonal Hospital “Dr. Adolfo Margara” from Trelew, dependent on the province’s Ministry of Health, carried out a new multi-organ donation operation last Tuesday.

This was reported by the Patagonian Ablation and Implant Center (CAIPAT), a jurisdictional delegation of the Central National Institute for Ablation and Implant Coordination (INCUCAI) in the province.

The procedure was in charge of the Jurisdictional representative of CAIPat Chubut, Dr. Caren Goddio together with ablationists from the Hospital “El Cruce” in Buenos Aires, and Doctor Taboada.

It is worth noting that the operation was carried out successfully thanks to the work of the professionals from the area’s zonal hospital; nursing, intensive care, operating room, laboratory, bacteriology, secretaries, drivers, maids, x-rays, ultrasound and cardiology. Police officers from the province, airport police and the Provincial Administrative IT Manager, Angela Miranda, also participated.

Doctors and nurses from Trelew and Rawson, who are training in the Post Basic Training Program in donation and transplantation, also participated.

Solidarity, voluntary and altruistic act

In this regard, the jurisdictional representative of CAIPAT Chubut, Dr. Caren Goddio, especially thanked all the families who accompany these processes in the midst of their pain, allowing other people who are on the waiting list to receive a transplant.

Likewise, he stressed that the solidarity, voluntary and altruistic act of donating guarantees that all people who are waiting for a transplant can improve their quality of life.

National Law No. 27,447

It should be remembered that National Law No. 27,447 considers a donor to be any person over 18 years of age who has expressed their affirmative will or who has not left an express record of their opposition.

People interested in expressing their willingness to donate can do so by entering the following link:www.argentina.gob.ar/manifestar-la-voluntad-hacia-la-donacion-de-organos-y-tejidos

In Argentina there are currently 7,094 people on the waiting list, of which 110 are from Chubut, to receive a transplant that allows them to improve or save their lives.

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