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Zombie Deer Disease Spreading in the United States Worries Scientists About Potential Threat to Humans

Cases of the spread of “zombie deer disease” have been recorded in the United States, which worries scientists because of the potential threat of the disease spreading to the human body.

Writes about this Guardian.

Not long ago, a wild deer died in North America. After death, in tests, scientists identified a severe chronic disease similar to the symptoms of rabies.

This disease causes changes in the brain and nervous system of the body, leading to severe drooling and general lethargy in affected animals.

The animals become inactive and their gaze takes on a “emptiness,” which has led to the disease being given the name “zombie deer disease.”

The disease is noted to be transmitted through various species of cervids, such as deer, elk, caribou and reindeer. Being fatal and associated with mad cow disease, there are currently no effective treatments or vaccines.

After discovering the disease in the death of one of the deer in Yellowstone National Park, scientists paid attention to it.

The discovery of Yellowstone’s rich diversity of wildlife sends an important message to the public, said Dr. Thomas Roffe, a veterinarian and former director of animal health for the Fish & Wildlife Service, a US federal agency.

According to Dr Michael Osterholm, an epidemiologist who studied the outbreak of mad cow disease in the UK, the disease is a “catastrophe”. He is concerned that there are no effective and simple methods to treat and eradicate it, both in infected animals and in the environment.

Previously, Cursor reported about the serious disease “ocular syphilis”.

2023-12-26 08:00:17
#Dangerous #zombie #disease #spread #deer #humans

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