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Zodiac Signs That Make the Best Exes: Maintaining Warm Relationships After a Breakup

Romance will remain a thing of the past, but warm relationships will not disappear.

Parting in most cases is associated with pain, tears, and emotional wounds. However, this is not always the case. In some cases, a loving relationship between two people ends, but respect for each other and the desire to maintain communication do not. Astrologers have named the zodiac signs that can be considered “ideal exes.” They manage to maintain warm relations with their previous partners.


Representatives of the air sign take separation as a given. Yes, the relationship has outlived its usefulness, so what? Why make a tragedy out of this? Both the Geminis themselves and their partner will easily find another soul mate with whom they will be truly happy. And at the same time they will maintain friendly relations.

However, even in cases where the separation did not go entirely smoothly, Gemini manages to return to the life of their ex after some time.

When past grievances are forgotten, it turns out that they still have something to talk about. The air sign is very multifaceted and chooses the same partners, so they will be interested in each other even after many years.


Quarrels and conflicts are something that Libra simply cannot stand. Representatives of the air element even prefer to part without mutual reproaches and accusations. Firstly, because they don’t see much point in it. Why complicate an already difficult situation? Secondly, because they want to maintain good relations with their ex-partner.

True, there is one “but”. Libra will certainly not become best friends with a person from whom they have suffered a fair amount.

If your significant other systematically drank the blood of an air sign, he will erase her from his life without regret. Libra breaks up with toxic people once and for all, and if they want to return, they will strictly stop their intentions.


The day before you broke up with Sagittarius, and the next morning you see a selection of fresh or not so fresh memes in the messenger. This is how a fire sign works – if once it entered a person’s life, then there is no way to get it out of there. Yes, I admit, I don’t really want to. Sagittarius can be an impossible partner, but it is incredibly pleasant to just chat with him about everything in the world.

Therefore, you should prepare for the fact that after a breakup this sign will be present in your life in one way or another.

Perhaps, when you both build a new relationship, you will even become friends as couples. What’s most surprising is that Sagittarius is the ex you don’t want to be jealous of at all. He will also become friends with your current soulmate, you’ll see.

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