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Zodiac Signs Facing Breakups in Fall 2023

A sad ending is inevitable.

Breaking up is a painful stage that you need to go through in order to leave unsuccessful or exhausted relationships in the past and open your heart to new feelings. Astrologers told which zodiac signs will have to survive a breakup with their loved one this fall.


Being in a relationship with an Aries is both incredibly challenging and incredibly exciting. A representative of the fire element will force his partner to experience the whole gamut of feelings and emotions – from burning passion to black jealousy, will lift him to the seventh heaven, and then overthrow him into the halls of the underworld. The only trouble is that for Aries such a “roller coaster” is a common occurrence, but for the chosen one it is a test.

Not everyone is able to withstand this test of strength.

Only a few are ready to play by his rules day and night. But less hardy partners sooner or later begin to feel faint and are ready to pray if only the fire sign would slow down for a while. In the fall of 2023, Aries risks breaking up with a loved one due to differences in temperament.


“First of all, planes, and then girls,” – in the coming fall, the lines from this song may become Virgo’s motto. Romantic relationships for representatives of the earth element will be in the background, but work matters will be taken over. Immersed in building a career, Virgo may not notice how her partner is moving away from her.

This, by the way, is not at all surprising.

After all, natives of the earth sign completely forget about their partner when they go to work. Yes, perhaps for some time the chosen one endured Virgo’s constant absence from home, but at some point he realized that he was no longer ready to play second fiddle. The partner’s decision to break up will be a complete surprise for the representatives of the sign.


According to astrologers, the separation that threatens Sagittarius this fall was predetermined long ago. His relationship with his significant other deteriorated some time ago, but neither of the two made any attempts to establish mutual understanding. The representative of the fire sign decided that everything would somehow settle down on its own – and he was sorely mistaken.

In the fall of 2023, the conflict between Sagittarius and partner will reach its climax.

The separation will be painful for both parties. An understanding will come that the relationship could have been saved, but none of them took the first step towards reconciliation. There will be a temptation to start everything from scratch, but the Sagittarius partner will not support this proposal.

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