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Zodiac Signs and Their Signals of Readiness to Break Off Relationships

Each of the signs of the zodiac has its own signal of readiness to break off relations with a partner.

The reasons for the gap in different signs can be very different. Photo: GAS-photo/Shutterstock/Fotodom

Each sign of the zodiac has a pet peeve, which is not recommended to step on if you had a cloudless life together with him before.

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Anything can become a trigger, or a trigger for a break – someone does not like night snoring, someone nitpicks of loved ones, and someone will be disturbed by socks scattered on the floor. But the stars have assigned their pain points to each of us, which in no case should be touched. If you heed the warning signs, love can be eternal.


Hot-tempered and impulsive Aries will not allow you to scream at yourself, as well as throw tantrums at them. They may call cute whims and an upturned nose in offense exciting and attractive, but scandals and bright performances are exclusively their prerogative. They are not assigned to you by the rank of a modest and, preferably, calm partner of Aries.

These representatives of the elements of fire do not compromise, and will not drag out an annoying romance. The point will be set bold and irrevocable.


For Taurus, for the most part devoted and faithful in love, a breakup is an extreme and painful step. They try to turn a blind eye to the “faults” of their soul mate. But the repeated “jambs” of a loved one or beloved – violent antics, alcoholic sprees, unwashed dishes, criticism or lies on every occasion – can piss off even these peace-loving characters. Whom Taurus cannot understand is stupid people stepping on the same rake from time to time. The repetition of the same sins exhausts them and makes them beat with a hoof in righteous anger. If you are such a “repeater”, you will not be able to get along with Taurus.


These sociable representatives of the air element are very fond of harmony and positive. They abhor all disputes and confrontation. Gemini doesn’t like sad people bathing in their melancholy like a champagne bath. They are oppressed by a misunderstanding of a partner, a mismatch of views and interests.

The constant confrontation tires the Gemini, they would like to rejoice together, and not argue. So leave disputes for communication clubs in foreign languages, and look for a common language with Gemini. Otherwise, they will wave their hands at you.

Those who quarrel find it difficult to find a common language. Photo: fizkes/Shutterstock/Fotodom


Emotional and vulnerable Cancers, as owners of bare nerves, require a particularly subtle approach to themselves. Their partners must be exceptionally sensitive people and be able to properly respond to Cancer’s bizarre mood swings. If you hurt Cancer’s feelings in some way (maybe don’t compliment their new dress or tie), then you’ll be immediately banished to the hell of remorse with a load of guilt on your shoulders that a mythical titan wouldn’t lift.

The more Cancers accumulate grievances against you, the more likely they are to leave in tears and for good.

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Lions, by right of their birth, consider themselves persons worthy only of royal treatment. They are proud of their successes, and believe that everyone should know about them.

But if their partner does not praise and shower Leo with compliments, and even worse – try to devalue his accomplishments, you will not envy such a loser. The roar of the Lion will be terrible.

It is important for this strong sign that the partner is always a mountain for him, supporting him in all endeavors. If Leo does not receive an incentive for new exploits from his half, he parted with her without regret.


Virgos, as perfectionists, are very demanding in their relationships and expect ideal love along the way. In a relationship, they should feel most needed.

What Virgo does always requires approval, otherwise Virgo’s mood will deteriorate.

For this sign, it is important to grow with a partner, to receive new portions of knowledge, to improve oneself. If the partner lags behind the progress of the Virgo, then she will look at it disapprovingly. And if he still does not appreciate the efforts of the Virgin, then she will not be sad if such a klutz disappears from her life.


Charming Libras are used to bathing in attention, they love to communicate and are interested in everything in the world. But if the partner shows coldness and deprives Libra of his attention, they will harbor a bitter resentment. It’s already difficult for Libras to choose someone perfect, suitable for their high standard of requirements. And if he disappoints Libra with his absence, unromanticism and unwillingness to discuss the problems of his beloved (beloved), then such an alliance will not last long.

Libra needs a smart and interesting interlocutor who knows how to read their mood and fulfill their little whims. They will not tolerate others around them.


Passionate Scorpios are ready to go to any lengths to win love and then make her happy.

But they also know how to choose partners who torment them as companions. People tend to mistake sincere care and devotion for weakness, so Scorpios often suffer from pain caused by a partner.

They are, of course, romantics, but it is worth really pissing them off, and you will find out how painfully they know how to sting in response. And sometimes revenge. After all, even putting an end to the relationship, they will not let you out of their zone of attention. Although it would be better for you if they completely forgot about you in this situation.

Breakups often hurt both partners. Photo: InesBazdar/Shutterstock/Fotodom


The soul of the company, a merry fellow and a joker, a carefree Sagittarius chooses a pair for himself, which will favorably shade him and correspond to the ideas of an ideal companion.

Sagittarius will have to adapt and stoically endure his extravagant antics. And sometimes to be drawn into all the adventures of a dear friend or to wait for him for months on the shore like Penelope.

Support, approval of all the crazy projects of Sagittarius, the ability to match his mood swings – all these are components of expectations from a partner. As soon as there is a discrepancy between his fantasies and reality, he will leave you without regrets.


Practical Capricorns choose as partners the same mundane people as themselves.

They work hard to make their way in life, often saving and setting aside funds for the future. Reproaches for stinginess will upset Capricorn, his frugality can only be appreciated by the same economy.

But they need gratitude like air. It is important for Capricorn that all his efforts meet with a buzz of approval in his family. If the partner does not notice the sweaty forehead of his beloved, does not wipe his sweat with a handkerchief and does not whisper in admiration how grateful he is to him, then Capricorn will tense up. If his achievements are also devalued, then the separation will be immediate.


The bright and original Aquarius has great requirements for a partner. He does not notice ordinary people, his gaze stops only at the stars that stand out from the crowd.

With whom he definitely will not stay close, it is with a “gray mouse”, devoid of uniqueness. He does not like blandness and boredom.

Aquarius enjoys freedom and has a hard time parting with his independence. Trying to control him means putting an end to the relationship right away. This “bird” will quickly fly away from any golden cage.

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Dreamy and romantic Pisces immerse themselves in feelings with their heads.

They are not too sure of their partner’s love, and are often tormented by doubts. In order for confidence in mutual feelings to grow and strengthen, they need to be in touch with a partner day and night. If you do not scribble them 20 messages a day, call back for every missed call and repeat a hundred times a day how much you love them, they will sadly lower their “fins”. The fish will first be sad, and then they will go into the sunset, leaving you completely bewildered by a sudden break.

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