Home » today » World » Zlata Adamovská is dissatisfied with her small pension. He has to go to work and cannot enjoy peace

Zlata Adamovská is dissatisfied with her small pension. He has to go to work and cannot enjoy peace

Zlata Adamovská admits that she does have a pension, but it is not a staggering amount. However, since he is still actively working, he is not complaining. The actress emphasizes the importance of personal responsibility when it comes to financial security in old age. According to her, people should not rely only on the state, but should think about their own savings and mutual help in the family.

“I mainly think that people should not rely on the state, but on themselves. Everyone should think about the rear wheels and have something saved for retirement. Mutual help in the family is also important, in some places children can help parents, in other places parents can help children, depending on the possibilities. Rather, the government should look at where to save on expenses in the public budget, and above all, manage well with our money, which we pay it in taxes,” she said in one of her interviews.

Work load and time to rest

Despite her busy schedule, Adamovská is aware of the need for rest. He therefore regularly includes time for relaxation in his work diary. This summer was very busy for the actress – she shot a film, a detective film and starred in an upcoming series. In addition, she played a number of performances at the Summer Stages of the Studio Two theater. Even at her age, Zlata Adamovská enjoys traveling. She and her husband recently visited Canada, where they admired the glacial lakes, mountains and waterfalls. The actress notes with a smile that luckily they didn’t meet a bear, otherwise she probably wouldn’t have played anymore.

She likes to travel and loves walking in the forest

When he compares his generation to the current one, he sees both advantages and disadvantages. According to her, today’s young people have more opportunities to travel and study abroad. On the other hand, they are more dependent on technology, especially mobile phones. The actress recalls that in her time it was necessary to look for information in libraries and encyclopedias, which she considers a certain advantage. Zlata Adamovská appreciates the Internet as one of the greatest inventions of this millennium, but at the same time draws attention to its ability to eat up time.

She herself does not have accounts on social networks such as Facebook or Instagram. He prefers to travel and store memories in his head. The actress also admits that she loves fast driving, for which she has the most fines. Zlata Adamovská thus shows that even in retirement age one can live an active and fulfilled life. Her approach to work, family and personal development can be an inspiration to many people, not just her peers.

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