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Zinkovsky about the news about Lille’s interest: “I even posted on Instagram” – Football

Midfielder “Wings of the Soviets” Anton Zinkovsky commented on rumors of interest from the “Lille”.

– How do you comment on the interest of Lille?

– I saw the news, everyone said: “Wow.” I even posted it on Instagram.

I myself saw the news, but I don’t know anything. Nothing went beyond the information in the media.

There was nothing concrete, but rumors were still rumors. The training camp will begin now, and then the second part of the championship.

– Communicated with the leadership of “Wings”?

– Not. We have a physical examination on January 12, the training camp begins on the 15th, and we will begin preparations. We talked with the guys among themselves, with the coaches – no, ”Zinkovsky said.

Last December, about interest “Lille” to the 23-year-old midfielder wrote Betting insider. Wings rated the player at 8 million euros.

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