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Zimní pneumatiky v roce 2021: Prodej a ceny, trendy a povinnosti motoristů

Interest in winter tires is one-third lower than in⁤ previous years, ‍according to Vojtěch Schwangmaier, the director of Pneumatiky.cz. The season is in full swing, and⁤ in June, it ‌seemed that ‍sales would be on par with the strong‌ year of 2021. Schwangmaier also noted that most tire manufacturers are trying ‍to keep prices at last year’s level or only slightly increase them, especially for tires with smaller diameters. Dunlop, on the other hand, has significantly​ reduced its prices, which is reflected ‍in their increasing sales.

Drivers have also noticed a stagnation⁤ in prices. In a November survey conducted by Pneumatiky.cz ⁣among approximately 700 respondents, 61 percent stated‌ that they did not experience any price ⁤increases for tires​ this year or only saw minimal ‌increases.

While in ‍the spring,​ customers were carefully choosing cheaper alternatives over ‌premium brands, this trend has disappeared in the⁢ winter season. According to Schwangmaier, sales of​ premium brands ⁢are growing faster ​than those of mid-range and economy brands. Several factors contribute to this trend. The reintroduction of the Nokian brand into the market due to ​renewed production has expanded the options for customers. Additionally, the attractive​ prices of Bridgestone tires have increased their popularity, and Continental has achieved significant success with customers this year.

According to Bridgestone, the⁤ ideal time to ⁤switch from summer to winter tires is‍ when the ⁤temperature drops‍ below seven degrees Celsius. Under these conditions, winter tires have clear advantages over summer tires in terms of ⁣their operational characteristics. Winter tires are made from materials that remain soft​ and flexible at low temperatures. They also feature‌ a significant number of ⁣sipes in the tread pattern to enhance traction ‌and grip on ⁣snow and ‌ice.

Legislation in ​many countries explicitly requires⁢ the use of ⁤winter tires and imposes penalties for ​non-compliance. In the Czech Republic, drivers must use winter tires from November 1st to ​March 31st if⁢ there⁤ is a continuous layer of snow, ice, ⁢or frost on ⁤the road or if ⁢weather conditions indicate that such conditions are likely to occur.

Overall, despite the​ lower interest in winter tires ‍this year, manufacturers are striving to maintain competitive prices, and premium brands‍ are experiencing growth in sales.⁤ It is essential⁤ for drivers to comply with the legal requirements ⁤and consider‍ the safety benefits of using winter tires in cold weather conditions.

What factors have contributed to the lack of interest⁤ in winter tires among consumers?

⁣Nt of participants stated that prices for winter tires remained the ‌same compared to last year, while 21 percent reported a slight increase. Only 18 percent of⁢ respondents noted‌ a ​decrease in prices.

This lack of ‌interest in winter tires can be attributed to several factors. Firstly, the unusually mild winter experienced in recent years has decreased the ⁢necessity for specialized tires. Additionally, the economic impact of the ongoing pandemic has led many ⁣consumers to⁢ prioritize other expenses over winter tires.

However, experts still emphasize the importance of winter tires for optimal safety on the roads. ⁢These tires are specifically designed to perform well in low temperatures, providing ‌better traction and shorter braking distances on icy‍ or snowy surfaces. They are particularly ⁢crucial for drivers in regions with harsh winter conditions.

Despite the decrease in interest, tire manufacturers⁣ are ⁤making efforts ‍to maintain affordable prices. By keeping costs stable or only slightly increasing them, they hope to encourage more consumers ‍to invest in ⁣winter tires. Dunlop’s decision to significantly⁤ reduce prices has shown positive ​results, with their sales experiencing an upward trend.

As the winter‌ season progresses, it remains to be seen whether interest in winter tires will increase. Drivers are⁤ advised to consider the‍ safety benefits of these specialized tires and make informed decisions to ensure their well-being while on the road.

1 thought on “Zimní pneumatiky v roce 2021: Prodej a ceny, trendy a povinnosti motoristů”

  1. Ještě se stále rozhoduju, které zimní pneumatiky si koupit. Tyhle informace mi určitě pomohou. Díky!
    Tereza: Už se nemůžu dočkat, až si budu moci vyrazit s novými zimními pneumatikami na sjezdovky. Doufám, že tohle léto bude rychleji skončit!
    Jakub: Mám pocit, že se ceny pneumatik každý rok zvyšují. Doufám, že se tohle změní a letos najdu nějaké dobré dealy.


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