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Žilková will not receive anything after the divorce. Stropnicky will take millions away

Veronika Žilková and Martin Stropnický met before the court. There they managed the money for their daughter Kordula. After the meeting, the actress revealed how the property will be divided after the divorce.

Former star couple Veronika Žilková and Martin Stropnický gathered in the courtroom this week. “I’ll go to court, judge someone I gave birth to two babies to … It’s a weird feeling,” the actress commented on her Instagram before the makeup began.

This time, the court focused on the joint daughter of Žilková and Stropnický Kordula. But she put off the trick. According to the actress, the word horse was (and likely will continue to be) most often inflected in court, the website claims. topky.sk.

“It is about who will finance our daughter’s future work and participate in the financing of her horse. After the previous horse was injured, I had to buy a new one, Mr. Stropnický did not contribute in any way. And I had to take in. loan to buy it, “said the Žilková portal lightning.

Former minister and ambassador Stropnický declined to comment too much on the pitch. “I’m not here to tell stories. Not really,” he told the pro TODAY. “That the matter is over is probably an overly optimistic wording, but perhaps some progress has been noted,” he added when he left. According to Žilková, it was not possible to reach an agreement.

Both are still awaiting divorce proceedings. Žilková revealed to Bleska what it will be like with the property split. “There will be no ownership agreement between us, because we have a prenup. This means that Mr. Stropnický will take away all the millions he earned as a minister and subsequently ambassador, and I, who have stopped playing for him, will keep the my old-age pension, “he complained.

Collaboration on the musical brought them together unexpectedly. Žilková talked about her relationship with Drahokoupil:


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