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Ziemkiewicz mocks the actions of the Women’s Strike. “Lempart Provisional Government”

During the Sunday press conference, the representatives of the Women’s Strike established a Consultative Council and presented the demands of the protesting feminstic circles.

The Consultative Council is to be a team of experts to unify and systematize the demands made by feminist circles. Its composition, as stated by the leaders of the protests, may be expanded. Currently, the Council has been appointed, inter alia, Barbara Labuda, Beata Chmiel, Danuta Kuroń, Jacek Wiśniewski, Robert Hojda, Monika Płatek, Michał Boni and Piotr Szumlewicz.

The Women’s Strike also presented the first demands that the government of the United Right calls for fulfillment. These are, among others: access to abortion on demand, supporting LGBT people, removing religion from schools, remedying the climate catastrophe, immediate resignation of the minister of education and science Przemysław Czarnek, “taking money from churches and TVP and transferring it to health services”, banning fascist organizations and support for people with disabilities.

The demand to dismiss the government is still valid, confirmed the leaders of the Women’s Strike.

“There is no youth representative”

The decision of Marta Lampart and Klementyna Suchanow to appoint a Consultative Council was commented on by Rafał Ziemkiewicz on Twitter.

“I like this Provisional Government Lempart. Seriously. Only a representative of the youth is missing. I would suggest Zbyn Hołdys. Maybe possibly Kubuś Wojewódzki, but I do not know if he is not too young …” – wrote the columnist “Do Rzeczy”.

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