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Zhong Nanshan Warns of Impending COVID-19 Peak and Ties to Pharmaceutical Companies

Zhong Nanshan, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, recently warned in a public speech that a small peak of the COVID-19 epidemic is about to occur. (Yu Gang/The Epoch Times)

[The Epoch Times, November 13, 2023](Epoch Times reporter Li Jing reported) Zhong Nanshan, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, recently warned in a public speech that a small peak of the new coronavirus (COVID-19, CCP virus) epidemic is about to occur, and advised the public Get vaccinated as soon as possible. Netizens ridiculed and said, don’t bother, who will believe you?

On November 10, at the third Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Health Cooperation Conference held in Guangzhou, Zhong Nanshan said in a speech that the recently emerged new coronavirus mutant strains have not changed much, but they have some effect on vaccine evasion. Enhance.

Regarding the epidemic trend of the new coronavirus, Zhong Nanshan introduced at the conference: “After using relevant models, we predict that there will be a small wave of infection peaks in the near future, this month and next month, including January. It is recommended to get vaccinated as soon as possible. We The country is ready and there are 6 vaccines available for (everyone) to choose from.”

In fact, Zhong Nanshan also said in May this year that the end of June might be the peak of the epidemic this year.

Although Zhong Nanshan and the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention once again warned that there will be a small peak of the epidemic this winter and next spring, many netizens ridiculed that Zhong Nanshan was once again bringing goods to the platform of pharmaceutical companies, while pointing out the side effects of vaccines.

Netizens commented: “Can you stop suggesting anything? Save some face for yourself and give others more ways to live.” “When you are old, just stay at home and enjoy your old age. Don’t bother, who will believe you.”

“Is he bringing vaccines again?” “If his son hadn’t owned a pharmaceutical factory, we would have believed him.” “There were too many produced at once and they couldn’t be sold anymore.” “Why are there so many people who were vaccinated (vaccinated) who were positive, but they didn’t? Are there many people who get vaccinated but don’t get positive?” “Don’t get vaccinated, as it may cause diabetes and cardiovascular disease in the later stages.” “Even if you die, don’t get vaccinated.”

Zhong Nanshan was exposed to have interests related to many pharmaceutical companies

It is worth mentioning that after the outbreak of COVID-19 in China, Zhong Nanshan repeatedly supported drugs such as “Lianhua Qingwen” through the Chinese Communist Party’s official media, and netizens dubbed him the “king of goods.” He once claimed on CCTV: “Lianhua Qingwen is suitable for more than 80% of ordinary patients” and “Lianhua Qingwen is really effective.”

However, Zhong Nanshan also admitted at the 18th International Congress of Collateral Medicine held last year that “so far, no drug has been proven to have a preventive effect on COVID-19.”

After the outbreak of the epidemic in China, Zhong Nanshan served as the leader of the high-level expert group of the National Health Commission of the Communist Party of China. He has repeatedly stood up for the CCP and concealed the epidemic for the authorities and “passed the blame.” In August 2020, he was awarded the “Medal of the Republic” by the Communist Party of China.

The State Food and Drug Administration of the Communist Party of China approved the inclusion of the treatment of COVID-19 into the drug indications of Lianhua Qingwen Granules and Capsules and Xuebijing Injection as early as April 2020. The next day, Hongri Pharmaceutical, which produces Xuebijing Injection, opened at the daily limit, while the stock price of Yiling Pharmaceutical, which produces Lianhua Qingwen, quickly rose to the limit.

Zhong Nanshan has supported Lianhua Qingwen many times. He is said to be associated with Yiling Pharmaceuticals. Wu Yiling, the founder of Yiling Pharmaceuticals, is also an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and is known as the “richest A-share academician”. Wu Yiling led his team to develop the anti-SARS traditional Chinese medicine Lianhua Qingwen Capsule, which has been recommended 18 times by the Chinese Communist Party’s Health Commission and other departments.

In addition, Xuebijing produced by Hongri Pharmaceutical recommended by Zhong Nanshan, and its affiliated company, Tianjin Hongri Jiandakang Pharmaceutical Technology Co., Ltd. (Hongri Pharmaceutical holds 12.5% ​​of the shares), are also related to Zhong Nanshan.

Tianyancha data shows that Zhong Nanshan is a director of Tianjin Hongrijiandakang Pharmaceutical Technology Co., Ltd. “China Economic Weekly” quoted reports that the company’s industrialization project of PTS, a new anti-tumor drug, and its derivatives is the project implemented by Zhong Nanshan’s team in Tianjin.

According to Chinese media reports, a query of “Tianyancha” data revealed that Zhong Nanshan has three companies, one of which is Guangzhou Huyan Institute Pharmaceutical Technology Co., Ltd., of which Zhong Nanshan is the chairman. The company’s vice chairman Zhou Rong owns 34 companies, and another vice chairman Zhang Xiaolei owns 20 companies. The company’s entire executive suite owns 90 companies combined.

Editor in charge: Hu Yulong#

2023-11-12 23:30:35
#Zhong #Nanshan #peak #epidemic #coming #comment #section #vaccine #quickly #overturned #Epoch #Times

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