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Zhang third most successful president in the history of Inter

The 31-year-old is on his fifth title on the bulletin board: after the 2020-21 Scudetto, the last two Italian Super Cups and the two Italian Cups lifted in Rome. “They bear witness to the goodness of the work done. Istanbul? I’ve Italianised myself…”

Now he has only Massimo Moratti ahead of him, with his 16 titles, and his father Angelo Moratti, with 7 but with two Champions Cups on his bulletin board. Then, however, in the ranking of the most successful presidents in Inter’s history, there is Steven Zhang, 31, the first foreign owner to win a tricolor in Italy. He succeeded in 2020-21, with Conte on the bench, but since then he has established a remarkable feeling with the successes. Two more trophies in 2021-22, the Italian Super Cup and the Italian Cup, to which, in this 2022-23, he added another Italian Super Cup and another Italian Cup. And the meter isn’t stopped yet… Because the Champions League final against Manchester City takes place on 10 June in Istanbul and, even if underdogs, Inzaghi’s team shouldn’t be underestimated. “I can’t say how proud and happy I am with this victory – admitted the Inter number one – and the credit must be shared with the management, the technical staff and the team who have a winning mentality. They proved it once again by winning a another cup. All this confirms the goodness of the work we have done together for Inter”.


Steven Zhang as owner only lost the first final, that of the 2019-20 Europa League, then he never missed a beat again. Now he is in Nerazzurri history, behind only Moratti. And to think that at first someone didn’t give him credit… With his choices he relaunched Inter which, even in a time of self-financing and accounts that need to be kept under control, has celebrated five titles in the last three seasons. And 2022-23 isn’t over yet… “We’re not talking about the Champions League final though – he explained – because I’ve become… Italianised and we need to think about one match at a time. Now let’s focus on Saturday’s match against Atalanta , not on the Champions League. City are strong, but we’ve grown a lot too: if I think about six years ago, Inter didn’t even participate in the Champions League and instead in this period we’ve won 5 cups and played in several finals. sacrifices of those who work for the club. I share the merits with everyone. I’m proud of this brave Inter. On the pitch and in life.” However, he didn’t want to hear any comparisons with the Moratti family: “Angelo and Massimo Moratti are in the hearts of the Inter fans and I’m proud to be behind them.”


In short, the number one on viale della Liberazione took a liking to winning and the way in which his club celebrated the second Coppa Italia in a row, the ninth in Inter’s history, proves it. “Back to Rome. Back to win. Back to Back” was written on Inter’s social media, implying last season’s 4-2 draw at the Olimpico against Juventus. The post (taken up on his Instagram during the night by the president) was published a few seconds after the final whistle, but before the spectacular award ceremony set up by the League. Naturally Zhang left the catwalk to his players and Inzaghi, but then he too wanted to participate in the party by posing with the cup both with his managers and with Simone Inzaghi, who on Tuesday last week he reconfirmed for next season as well after the victory in the return Euro-derby. “To win, the coach plays a fundamental role: Inzaghi led the team to the Champions League final, won cups and there are no doubts about his stay at Inter. We are proud of him.”

Dedication… Interist

With the coach from Piacenza now he dreams of another party, on Turkish soil. In two and a half weeks. It would be the culmination of a cycle, but not the end of his presidency because, despite the loan with Oaktree to be paid in 12 months, Zhang continues to plan a future for the Nerazzurri. He has taken a liking to raise trophies and wants to continue. “I dedicate this success to all the fans and people who work at this club. Winning must always be a goal for this club” he concluded. Manchester City and Guardiola are warned.

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