Home » today » Entertainment » Zhang Shanwei has been missing from the entertainment industry for 9 years! Facebook was shocked to see “Huang Zijiao in the same frame” and personally exposed the truth | Entertainment Star News | Sanli News Network SETN.COM

Zhang Shanwei has been missing from the entertainment industry for 9 years! Facebook was shocked to see “Huang Zijiao in the same frame” and personally exposed the truth | Entertainment Star News | Sanli News Network SETN.COM

Entertainment Center / Reported by Wang Yixin

▲ After Zhang Shanwei was paralyzed due to illness in 2013, he did not appear in public for 9 years. (Photo / Photo taken from Zhang Shanwei’s Facebook)

Actor Zhang Shan became famous for his role as “Tadpole” in “Spicy Fresh Teacher”, and was active in the world of children as “Black Brother”, amassing a large number of fans. Unexpectedly, in 2013, he was paralyzed due to an illness, and is still in hiding, even his friends, all disconnected. A few days ago, a Facebook review suddenly brought up a photo of him and Huang Zijiao, which made many people think that Zhang Shan is returning to the entertainment industry, and Huang Zijiao also gave the answer in person. .

Facebook recently released a photo of Zhang Shanwei and Huang Zijiao, which surprised many fans that he was back in the entertainment industry. In an interview yesterday (31), Huang Zijiao claimed that he had lost contact with the other party for many years, and that was Facebook. The retrospective feature of, is already a photo of when we participated in public assistance activities together more than 10 years ago. Furthermore, Huang Zijiao admitted that friends around him blocked the news and no one knew Zhang Shanwei’s real condition and wished him the best.

In fact, after Zhang Shanwei fell ill in 2013, he immediately disappeared from the entertainment industry. He hasn’t made public appearances for 9 years, which worried many fans. His former assistant, A Yao, revealed in 2017 that Zhang Shanwei was ill. Need to sit in a wheelchair, even if the recovery speed is slow, but the soles of the feet and hands can be bent; but Ah Yao admitted last year that he hadn’t seen each other for 2 years and didn’t reveal any more details.

A few days ago, a Facebook review popped up from the photo of Zhang Shanwei and Huang Zijiao, sparking heated discussions among netizens.  (Photo / Extract from Facebook by Huang Zijiao)

▲ A few days ago, the Facebook review popped up from the photo of Zhang Shanwei and Huang Zijiao, causing heated discussions among netizens. (Photo / Extract from Facebook by Huang Zijiao)

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