The sky, or to put it more fully, the universe, is mysterious. People have been trying to solve this mystery for thousands of years. While I have full respect for people who have applied their minds to discovering the secrets of the universe, I also equate, for example, the enthusiasm for space travel with an exciting passion for fate It’s about the fear that I, and probably millions of others, feel that we don’t know. Undoubtedly yes. Because fear is one of the most basic human emotions.
It is one thing to respect science and the inventions of the scientific mind, to use these inventions as if they had always existed, but it is another thing to fear them. For example, it is very enjoyable to watch the plane take off, land and fly at an altitude of thousands of feet. But hearing the captain say, “We’re at 10,000 feet”, I think, makes millions of people like me pull their hearts out and grab the arms of the t – a few more seats.
I think, with the exception of airplanes, it’s not the inventions themselves that scare me, but the sheer uncertainty in the process of creating them.
What did Melih Cevdet Anday say in “Sky Map”?
“Look at me, my immortal soul
If I die, let it be in your ear,
Don’t go up in the air
Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Scorpion, Snake, Centipede, Ox, Bull…
It’s all above.
This is not the time, don’t worry!”
Fear may be partly related to what these verses reveal, who knows, apart from the poets.
So, what kind of enthusiasm is it for someone who is afraid of flying to want to see a meteor shower in the sky on top of a mountain in the dark of night? It’s about overcoming fear. It is a definite sentence and for me it is partly true. Because the courage to face fear should be a journalistic inspiration. Of course, I won’t take credit for myself by making the case that doing journalism in Turkey is already a source of confidence.
What brought me to Zerzevan Castle, which is 3,000 years old, was to see the courage of the people who made a barren mountain their home. They carried water to this barren mountain between Mardin and Diyarbakır, prayed and built castles against possible attacks. And they were watching the meteor shower from here. Even thinking about it, imagining it, and editing it as a film is exciting.
But, I say, “The landscape wakes up and proves itself // Why does the sky come // It holds its mirror.” I would rather look at the sky with lines like (İlhan Berk, Sky). Undoubtedly, there is tension in this poetry which tends to explore people and the world. But hidden in the tension here is a long history of personal internal struggle. How many people are left in this world who say that poetry is one of the things that make a human being?
The “Perseid Meteor Shower Observation Event” was held at Zerzevan Castle on Monday. The event was organized by the Governor of Çınar District and the International Association for Research, Development and Youth. The information came that the meteor shower would happen between 20.00 and 02.00 in the afternoon. Zerzevan Castle was one of the best places to see the meteor shower. Even though I went on a bit further, the subject of the article was this incident.
We went to Zerzevan with Murat Bayram and his team from Botan Times to see a meteor shower. Climbing to the castle was a pain, but after all, meteor showers were not an everyday occurrence.
We passed through the gendarmerie checkpoints and finally took our place in the castle. We watch the sky and chat because there is still time for the meteor shower.
At the same time, the Red Crescent vehicle that distributes lemonade, water and leaflets on proper nutrition was replaced. Then the vehicles that carried and protected the regional governor arrived and were positioned in the best place. The police and army wives and children were brought to the castle in minibuses. And finally, on Monday, the castle hosted the largest number of visitors in recent years. As well as those who came with picnic chairs and sack clothes, there were also those who set up tents in the castle.
Of course, those eagerly waiting to see the meteor shower had one eye on their phones. They were sharing photos and videos on their social media accounts and expecting interaction. The warning “Turn off your phone light to see the meteor shower better” was always in the air.
Sometimes a star fell and we thought it was a meteor. We accidentally saw what we thought were meteors falling from time to time and quickly disappearing. Arif Bulut from Sur Agency’s cries of “Aaaa, ahhhaaa” made us look at the sky. However, this shock had to be content with being a joke that spread to other groups as the night progressed. I told Maşallah Dekak, a journalist from Rudaw, “If one of the meteors loses its way and falls like this, we will make you a shield.” I bought seeds so we could hedge them in the rain. I suspect that Semiha and Yonca ate the seeds while they were chatting.

Is İnanç Yıldız’s voice heard just when she was laughing?
The expected meteor shower did not happen. However, I tried to get İnanç to see an interesting scene from the 2012 film. A man who knew the apocalypse was coming, he opened his arms against the fireballs falling like rain from the sky, and proudly announced that his prophecy had come true.
The lessons I learned from the event, which was lost due to unforeseen reasons, were as follows: Life has continued uninterrupted in Zerzevan for thousands of years. The new generation took refuge and stayed here, on this barren mountain, for years, not knowing that they were living on history.
Archaeological excavations in the area have always been interrupted in one way or another.
It took a long time, as befits Turkey, to discover that Zerzevan is a historical place. At the same time, some ruins were destroyed, sold and covered. Excavations have been going on for several years now, and what is to be found here is attracting the attention of the world. The secret passage, the underground church, the underground shelter that can accommodate 400 people and especially the temple of Mithras attract many people from all over the world to Zerzevan.
A center is being built under the castle. It must be determined whether this damages the historic fabric.
We could not see the meteor shower. I often saw little bits of light slide across the sky when I slept on the roof in the summer when I was a child. That’s why a few meteors falling at times didn’t scare me or even surprise me.
In the end, thousands of people came together and participated in a common event despite my discomfort with the protocol, it was good.
On the way back, Murat Bayram said, “You seem tired.” “I guess,” I said, but in my mind were the scientists who spent their lives exploring the sky and the poets who wrote poetry about the sky.
Since we could not see the meteor shower, then let’s complete the article with these lines from Ahmet Erhan:
“The sky is losing its blueness
They say it is the evening, if the world is still turning
So absent, careless…
If I ask what to shout, who will understand me?
They say he is a crazy poet
But it is lonely, the hook is lonely…” (Ahmet Erhan, The sky is leaving its blue)
2024-08-13 21:00:00
#Meteor #shower #Zerzevan #Aaa #Aahhaa