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Zelok launches unpaid rental insurance Total Guarantee

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Fabrice Houlé, the Founder of the platform www.zelok.fr just awarded the 2020 UNIS Innovation Trophies Prize, has just launched an unpaid rent insurance offer with Total Guarantee.

The leading platform for the online tenant journey, with more than 600 subscribed agencies and more than 80,000 users, aims to help real estate professionals gain market share in the face of PAP by increasing the range of services with their landlord owner clients.

“GLI’s current offer has not changed or changed little in recent years and does not fully meet the expectations of rental investors,” explains Fabrice Houlé. The fact of taking out insurance and not having, in the event of a claim, an initial compensation until after 3 or 4 months and then every quarter, is not well experienced and a source of stress. Owners thus remain cautious about renting out (8% of housing remains empty in France) while rental demand is strong, especially in large metropolitan areas. COVID and the economic and social crisis that may result from it are worrying donors about the risks to come and this is quite normal! ”

Restore trust between landlords and tenants

The Nogal report delivered in June 2019 highlighted this need to restore trust between the parties and better protect the lessors who have invested heavily in rental properties for several years.

Fabrice Houlé was auditioned at the National Assembly in January 2019 by the Rent in Confidence Commission led by MP Mickaël Nogal. This gave him the idea to treat the subject of the rental guarantee differently. The bill has yet to be passed and remains on hold for the time being due to the current legislative timetable, but Zelok is taking the lead in helping real estate agents increase their market share. Currently, only 35% of the private rental stock in France is managed by real estate professionals.

Throughout 2020, a team of Zelok lawyers worked on the digitalization of pre-litigation and the results of the first 1,600 tests carried out are eloquent: “By automating the management of pre-litigation thanks to digital, we free the real estate agent from this administrative and time-consuming processing and above all we improve the recovery rates, ”says Fabrice Houlé.

The platform already processes thousands of tenant candidate files every month. It is therefore during this online journey that one can ideally choose his unpaid rent insurance.

For the real estate advisor, nothing could be simpler, he asks Zelok to approve the candidate tenant’s file in one click and Zelok processes his request in less than 2 working hours. As soon as the candidate is validated, Zelok issues a “Zelok Total Guarantee” approval which certifies the payment of rent and charges to the lessor each month on a fixed date whether the lessee has paid or not.

The property manager pays the insurance premiums to Zelok and declares the claim on day D of the rejection of the direct debit or the statement of unpaid bills. The rental manager thus deposits on the platform all the elements necessary for the processing of the pre-litigation by the services of Zelok. As soon as the file is complete and validated, the latter receives compensation from Zelok within 24 working hours on his account.

“A small revolution for all real estate professionals who can thus certify the payment of rent on a fixed date each month to their lessors and completely free themselves from the processing of the litigation recovery up to the order to pay. Everything is taken care of free of charge by Zelok and visible on the subscriber’s Real Estate Pro Space ”explains the Founder.

An offer well placed on the market

“We worked on the subject for several months with our clients, all specialists in rental and rental management. Our 600 subscribers already represent more than 150,000 lots managed in France by a Pro de l’Immo. “

Marsh was chosen to build the solution with Zelok’s business vision.

Zelok Total Guarantee Insurance is offered from 2.50% incl. Tax and can be negotiated downwards for high volume agencies.

Unpaid rents and charges are guaranteed up to 90,000 euros without excess, property damage up to 10,000 euros also without excess, and legal protection covers costs linked to the unpaid rent procedure up to 8,000 euros.

“It’s very well placed on the market! Especially with the compensation within 24 hours which is very appreciated and the fact of no longer having to manage the two months of pre-litigation, often exhausting and without added value in terms of turnover, ”explains Fabrice Houlé.

Zelok is registered with ORIAS as a Marsh Insurance Intermediary Agent.

All interested real estate agents need only subscribe to Zelok online for free to be able to offer this insurance to their landlord clients.

He will also benefit from access to the Zelok platform, a real digital companion that will allow him to manage all his tenant candidate files online, but also to automatically manage the hundreds of emails received from web portals, to automate his reminders, to control false documents via a KYC report, to draw up his residential lease and then to sign it.

This Zelok Total Guarantee unpaid rent insurance offer is a strong argument to be made when relocating or to win new management mandates.

What is Zelok?

Zelok was created in July 2019 by Fabrice Houlé and Bernard Cadeau, both specialists in property administration and defenders of real estate professionals.

The Zelok team is made up of 15 employees.

More than 80,000 user accounts have already been created on the platform and 177,000 supporting documents for tenant candidates submitted in 2020.

In November 2020, Zelok invented the Zelok Pass, a real universal tenant passport allowing 3 million French people on the move to create their file online for free and to send it to any real estate professional of their choice.

A Zelok account is created in France every 3 minutes!

Take the opportunity to test the solution by contacting us for a simple, fast and completely free implementation: [email protected]

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