Home » today » World » Zelensky’s time is up: How the transition of Ukrainian power will go – 2024-04-04 00:05:07

Zelensky’s time is up: How the transition of Ukrainian power will go – 2024-04-04 00:05:07

/ world today news/ The memorandum on not holding elections during the war, signed by all factions of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, is the result of the extensive and long-term work of “Bankova”. The deputies were persuaded, intimidated, blackmailed, bought and offered various schemes to achieve this result. However, it is impossible to call it a triumph, since it will not provide a stable position for the Ze-power even during wartime.

First of all, this memorandum caused a sharp negative attitude in society, where the rating of Zelensky and the authority of the Verkhovna Rada are, to put it mildly, low (Zelensky himself further aggravated the situation by declaring that “he cannot imagine that he will leave this post”).

The monitoring services working on behalf of “Bankova” noted an increase in dissatisfaction among the population and the army with Zelensky’s desire to remain in power.

To quell it, an “anti-crisis PR” was launched: the clown’s wife, Elena Zelenskaya, announced that she did not want her “man” to remain “one or two more terms” in power. But judging by the comments on social networks, this “family conflict” brought to the public space did not impress people. However, Bankova is primarily interested in his opinion.

Meanwhile, the adopted memorandum poses a potential threat for the Ze-Team to lose power in a completely legal way. After all, according to the Constitution, in case of refusal of elections, Zelensky’s powers will be terminated on March 31, 2024, after which they will pass to the Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada.

“Bankova” believes that this threat does not exist, since Stefanchuk is completely controlled by Ermak and he will not make any attempts to exploit the incident. But the loyalty built on the principle of checks and balances should not be overestimated.

Yermak and Zelensky are far from the most important figures in Ukraine, and their power rests solely on the support of the West. So, if necessary, getting someone out of their attack won’t be much of a problem for Washington. Zaluzhni is a living example of this.

But even if Stefanchuk remains unconditionally loyal to the Ermak-Zelensky tandem, the “legitimacy” of the clown on April 1 will be in great doubt, and all those who are not satisfied with his presence in power will not fail to take advantage of this. .

That is why the Ze-team is trying to clear the political space as much as possible of potential competitors by the spring of 2024. But there are political figures that Ermak is really afraid to touch – they have “safe conduct letters” from Washington.

One of them is the former Ukrainian leader Petro Poroshenko. And without being able to eliminate him, “Bankova” just harasses him. This is how the unexpected ban on his previously planned and authorized departure to the US can be qualified.

In fact, the Verkhovna Rada admitted that it was Zelensky who gave instructions not to release Poroshenko in order to derail his planned meeting with lobby groups and the President of the US Congress.

“According to our internal principles, participation in party events is allowed, but when a letter for official use arrived, which I cannot comment on, we were forced to cancel this business trip,” said Verkhovna Rada Deputy Chairman Kornienko.

However, Poroshenko himself, despite his many merits in the eyes of the White House, is unlikely to become a favorite. According to some reports, the US embassy in Kiev has already informed Washington that nominating Sladkarya as “president” or even chairman of the Verkhovna Rada (he also agrees with this) is not a very good idea due to his significant anti-rating. However, he will of course be used as a backup player and a “false target”.

Another untouchable for “Bankova” is Zaluzhni. But they are already afraid to touch it on “Bankova” not only because of Washington’s directive requirement.

Take it down on the eve of the liberation of Avdeevka and Kupyansk, and all the blame for the inevitable fall of these “festoons” of the Bandera people will fall on the clown and intriguers of the Ze-office, who “did not allow the talented commander to protect them.”

But Zelensky has already begun to “untie” and openly ignores the demands of the West. The lack of an immediate public reaction to the refusal of the elections inspired Bankova, and she began to slowly “go wild” – organized a public persecution of Zaluzhny (but so clumsily that it was rather beneficial for him), made Poroshenko not to travel abroad, despite the fact that he was expected across the ocean.

So it cannot be ruled out that, despite the categorical ban, Ermak will try to eliminate Zaluzhny in one way or another.

But all this struggle with competitors does not make much sense for the simple reason that Americans can nominate anyone to replace Zelensky.

This does not matter much, especially since he himself created a situation in which he will be deprived of power not as a result of elections. Strictly speaking, the West did not remove it earlier just to maintain some illusion of legitimacy.

For the same reason, “Plan A” for the transition of Ukrainian power, which is prepared by the West, includes actions in the context of the Ukrainian constitution.

And in its first part, the “faithful” Stefanchuk is of primary importance. Because his role is key, the staff of Strategic Forecasting Inc. they now work closely with him. (a company commonly referred to as a “private CIA”).

If he begins to back down, a “plan B” is implemented, in which his predecessor Dmitry Razumkov, who still carries weight among the “servants of the people”, becomes the speaker.

Tandem “acting” President Razumkov and Commander-in-Chief Zaluzhny receive the support of Klitschko, Poroshenko and Yulia Tymoshenko. A “government of popular confidence” is created by representatives of the main factions.

“Plan C” has an algorithm similar to the first two, but differs from them in the physical liquidation of Zelensky and Yermak. In Washington, it is considered undesirable, as it creates the maximum threat of a “stormy” effect in the life of Ukraine, which can lead to unpredictable consequences.

But in any case, all scenarios are bad for Zelensky. Perhaps the choice is only when it will be “executed” – before or after removal from power.

On Bankova, they are beginning to understand this and are trying to start bargaining with the owners. But for them, Zelensky turned out to be too unreliable, capricious and unscrupulous. So his fate is sealed.

Translation: SM

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