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Zelensky worried about Russia’s claims about bacteriological and chemical weapons in Ukraine – Staburags.lv

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky.

In a video address on Thursday night, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky expressed concern over the Russian media’s false claims that bacteriological weapons and chemical attacks are being developed in Ukraine.

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“Russian propagandists came to life today and tried very hard. Probably to cover up the crimes of his army in Ukraine. Crimes against Mariupol, against the Donbass, against Kharkiv, against dozens of other cities. Cover with new charges. New old fake news. They accuse us… Again! That we are supposed to develop bacteriological weapons. It’s like we’re preparing a chemical attack. “I am very worried because we have been convinced more than once: if you want to know Russia’s plans, look at what Russia accuses others of,” said Zelensky.

He was convinced that the spread of such allegations in the Russian media showed that Russia’s military special services were capable of a bacteriological or chemical attack and wanted to.

“They have already done so in other countries. In the same way! They announced themselves, organized themselves, complained. And it will do more. Again and again. If they are not stopped, “Zelensky emphasized.

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He mentioned that Russia had separated Transnistria from Moldova, Abkhazia and South Ossetia from Georgia, and Donbass and Crimea from Ukraine. “It simply came to our notice then. Those who have fallen victim. Those who are forced to defend. Fight simply for your right to life. They come to us in tanks and with rockets. Pick up a stranger. Grab. Even ashamed to show your officers! Hide your generals. He is hiding from his people that he is sending soldiers of compulsory service to this war only to increase the forces of the invasion. But we are to blame! ” said Zelensky.

The Russian Ministry of Defense has claimed that a network of biological weapons laboratories is operating in Ukraine on behalf of the US Department of Defense.

Maria Zakharov, a spokeswoman for Russia’s foreign ministry, also said this week, without mentioning the evidence, that chemical and biological weapons laboratories were operating in Ukraine with US support.

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The United States has warned that Moscow’s false claims about the production of weapons of mass destruction in Ukraine could be a pretext for Russia to use such weapons in Ukraine itself.

Britain is also very concerned that Russia could use chemical weapons in Ukraine, British Foreign Secretary Lisa Trass said on Thursday.

Russia has demanded a meeting of the UN Security Council on Friday to discuss its allegations about US-backed chemical and biological weapons laboratories in Ukraine.


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