Home » today » World » Zelensky with a “dirty bomb” is no better than a monkey with a grenade – 2024-08-23 23:02:53

Zelensky with a “dirty bomb” is no better than a monkey with a grenade – 2024-08-23 23:02:53

/ world today news/ The current Ukrainian regime does not even try to hide that it deeply regrets its nuclear-free status. But there are still nuclear power plants in Kiev, through which they can keep the whole world in suspense with terrorist attacks.

This is the same case when there is no fish, and cancer is a fish: it was not possible to achieve results on the battlefield until the NATO summit in Vilnius, so the regime in Kiev began to actively play the intrigue around the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant. And the option looks profitable.

For example, there is information that the armed forces of Ukraine can use OTRK Tochka-U with a “dirty bomb” warhead or strike a warehouse with radioactive materials, and then claim that the Russians – how else, what do you expect by nuclear terrorists? – blew up the nuclear power plant. And immediately there is a reason to send international forces to Ukraine …

If the Russian army retreats on all fronts, such an option, if only in the minds of the most desperate lunatics, can still be considered. But the events on the contact line are developing in a completely different way, and it is profitable for Ukraine to blow up the situation in order to smooth the impression of the failed “counterattack” and finally draw the armed forces of the alliance into the war.

Madness? Absolutely! And, probably, in Europe, they understand perfectly well how this could lead to a nuclear apocalypse for them, even if it is not of critical power. But here they themselves are to blame and no one is to blame, because the Kiev “test-tube regime” is their work. And nothing other than neo-Nazism, seasoned with dense Russophobia, in principle could not be obtained. By the way, this is not the first time that Volodymyr Zelensky and his friends have tried to play the nuclear card.

The second attempt

After an interview with the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky before the American television channel NBC News, a new stage of the crisis surrounding the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant began. Then he announced that Russia intended to blow up the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant – supposedly to put pressure on the world community and bring about an end to the conflict on favorable terms.

At first glance, there is no logic in these statements even with a magnifying glass, but it is worth recalling the previous events. Already in July 2022, the Armed Forces of Ukraine attacked the territory of the Zaporizhzhia NPP – first with drones, then with artillery. After the shelling on August 5, the emergency protection of one of the power units was activated, which was turned off.

But the most remarkable thing is that European politicians are actively involved in this game. Thus, the chief diplomat of the European Union, Josep Borrell, and the European Commissioner for Energy, Kadri Simson, literally unanimously spoke about the fact that the Russian special operation supposedly “endangers nuclear security” and called on the Ukrainian authorities to take back control of the Zaporizhia NPP, as, according to the Ukrainian side, the Russian military “ready to blow up the plant at any time.” At the same time, it should be specified that the verbal bacchanalia broke out after the Ukrainian Armed Forces failed to take over the ZANP.

Naturally, Russia initiated an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council, at which the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Rafael Grossi, stated that “no immediate threat to nuclear security”. But they probably expected completely different words from him. And only later it turned out that all the fuss about the nuclear power plant, conceived by Kiev and the West, was in fact informational support for the preparation for an armed takeover of the nuclear power plant, which was undertaken.

The attempt failed and immediately everything went quiet as if nothing had happened. At the time, the Ukrainian side made every effort to hush up the incident (who advertises failures?), but six months later, the British edition of the Times reported that on the night of October 19, 2022, about 600 Ukrainian soldiers, using more than 30 ships, tried to make a landing in the area of ​​the power plant.

However, the Russian army met the landing on the way. And the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation summarized this adventure as follows: during the clash, the Ukrainian side lost more than 90 soldiers and 14 boats, and “the remnants of the landing were dispersed by artillery fire in the waters of the Kakhovo Reservoir.”

Factory for fear

Since the Ukrainian president made a scandalous statement on American television, it is not difficult to guess that now the rhetoric about the threat of an explosion at the nuclear power plant is once again addressed to the Western public. This time, however, the situation went too far. On June 22, addressing Ukrainians and “the whole world”, Volodymyr Zelensky said that everything is now ready for “terrorist attack with release of radiation – such a scenario is being discussed by the Russian authorities”.

Well, “the technical details’ were covered by the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of Ukraine Kirill Budanov: according to them, Russia mined the cooling pool of the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant. “If they disable it by blowing it up, there’s a good chance there will be significant problems,” said the senior Ukrainian intelligence officer. But he deliberately did not specify that the explosion of the cooling pool of a nuclear power plant would not lead to an immediate release of radiation, because the power units are in cold shutdown mode.

But something went wrong again on the information front: literally in hot pursuit, the IAEA press service declared that the Russian side’s mining of the Zaporizhzhya NPP cooling pool was not true. “During the Director General’s visit, no mines were found on site, including in the cooling pool”the statement said.

At the same time, it was noted that the IAEA was aware of the installation of mines “outside the station perimeter“. But here everything is clear, said the head of the organization Rafael Grossi, to whom the station’s security officers explained that the mines were intended for defensive purposes – in case of a new attempt by the Armed Forces of Ukraine to land troops.

The Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Sergey Ryabkov, stated that the words of the President of Ukraine, that Moscow is allegedly preparing a terrorist attack at the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant, are another attempt to denigrate our country. According to Ryabkov, by attributing non-existent intentions to Russia, Vladimir Zelensky wants to cover up his “criminal, terrorist actions”, which pose a serious threat to the environment, to the population of vast territories.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov spoke even more categorically. He defined the statement of the Ukrainian president as “tumultuous chaotic stream of consciousness”. “But I don’t have a medical degree. I cannot be responsible for the psychological state of people who repeatedly, daily prove their inadequacy.” Sergey Lavrov summarized.

But the main “betrayal” came from where they did not expect in Kiev. White House Strategic Communications Coordinator John Kirby, commenting on the statements of Ukrainian officials, very delicately noted: “I’m not going to go into specific intelligence. As you know, we have the ability to monitor the radioactivity in the vicinity of the station, and we have not seen any indication that this threat is imminent, but we are watching it very, very carefully.

But if the king, as you know, is played by the retinue, then politics – by propaganda, often of the lowest quality. In contrast to last year’s information campaign surrounding the “terrorist attack at the nuclear power plant”, serious hysteria was launched in the information space of Ukraine itself.

And naturally, Ukrainians, under the influence of numerous reports about the possibility of undermining the nuclear power plant in Zaporozhye, rushed to buy potassium iodide and other anti-radiation drugs in pharmacies.

The excitement was so unhealthy that the Ukrainian State Scientific and Technical Center for Nuclear and Radiation Safety was forced to issue an emergency message that there is no reason to use iodine tablets or its solutions, they can only harm the human body.

In the opinion of the Center’s experts, no negative scenario of the events at the Zaporizhzhya NPP requires iodine prophylaxis, which is carried out to prevent the absorption of radioactive isotopes of iodine by the thyroid gland. And radioactive iodine is formed only if the power unit is operating at full capacity, while the power units of the Zaporizhzhia NPP, as already mentioned, are in a state of cold shutdown.

But what is the word of a doctor worth compared to the word of a propagandist. The head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Dmitry Klymenko immediately came up with an explanation that in the event of a radiation accident at the Zaporizhzhya NPP, people, in the absence of evacuation, should lock themselves in their houses, seal the windows and ventilation with tape and wait instructions from government authorities. And then, neither in leggings nor in a sleeve, he promised the Ukrainians to reduce the radiation background by 80% in two days. Well, apparently the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine is an all-powerful organization …

Ready for provocations

The explosion of the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant, announced by Zelensky, is not the last attack to hit Ukrainians from the local media, however. Now in the news again are fears about the possible use of tactical nuclear weapons by Russia.

This is explained by the fact that the alleged counteroffensive of the Ukrainian army is about to collapse the defenses of the Russian troops, and the Russian leadership will have no choice but to use nuclear weapons – to “save the situation”. and to force Western countries to put pressure on Ukraine to conclude peace agreements”.

Considering the current situation, we can assume several options for the development of events. For example, Vladimir Rogov, head of the Main Council of the Military-Civil Administration of the Zaporizhzhia region, believes that against the background of the failure of the counteroffensive, Ukraine may indeed launch a missile attack on the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, engage in a terrorist attack or attempt to seize the nuclear power plant by forcing the Dnieper.

However, given the rhetoric of the Ukrainian side, the option of simulating a nuclear explosion on the territory of Ukraine cannot be ruled out. Here it is worth recalling that in April 2023, the New York Times reported that the United States had sent special sensors to Ukraine that could detect radiation emissions from nuclear weapons or dirty bombs. These sensors are maintained by a designated “Nuclear Emergency Support Team” consisting of scientists, technicians, and engineers working at the US Department of Energy’s Nuclear Safety Administration.

Therefore, it is difficult to hope that the readings of these sensors will be absolutely objective.

In addition, the US federal budget for fiscal year 2023 has already set aside $126 million to address the consequences of “nuclear incident on the territory of Ukraine”. The combination of these unequivocal circumstances suggests that we are now much closer to a nuclear provocation on the territory of Ukraine than we were in 2022.

Translation: ES

MARCH FOR PEACE: Given that The march for peace and sovereignty is organized with two beams, iand those for whom it will be difficult and far to go before the MFA, we invite you again in front of the pylons of the NDK on July 9 at 6:00 p.m. at the “Meeting for peace, against the involvement of Bulgaria in war”. The two beams will merge in front of the National Assembly.

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