Home » today » World » Zelensky was accused of treason, a criminal case was opened: power struggles are simmering in Kiev – 2024-09-20 11:22:05

Zelensky was accused of treason, a criminal case was opened: power struggles are simmering in Kiev – 2024-09-20 11:22:05

/ world today news/ The court in Ukraine ordered the State Bureau of Investigation to open a case of treason against Zelensky and members of his team

The Ukrainian court ordered the State Bureau of Investigation of Ukraine (GBR – the Ukrainian analogue of the American FBI, modeled after the United States) to open a criminal case for possible treason against the President (for now) of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky and members of his team.

At first, the deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Geo Leros, who was expelled from the faction of the Servant of the People, filed an application for this treason to the State Bureau of Investigation, but after he was sent by the GBR to go to … the well-known address, at that not on “independent language”, and in pure Russian, Leros turned to the court, and only the latter made such a decision.

To believe that Zelensky, the head of his office Andrii Yermak and various other podoliats can be “the hand of Moscow” or “agents of the Kremlin” – this would occur only to a completely inadequate person who is obsessed with the idea of ​​revenge or settling scores in any way.

And Geo Leros is of this second category. The period of his “wedding” relationship with Zelensky’s team after entering the Verkhovna Rada turned out to be very short. In March 2020, Leros published a video in which he claimed that the brother of the head of the office of the President of Ukraine Andriy Yermak traded public positions for bribes, after which a criminal case was opened against Leros “to reveal state secrets.”

Leros somehow managed to get away from this accusation, but several more investigations were started against him at the same time – for the illegal upgrade of a floor above his apartment, for non-payment of taxes, and then he was completely kicked out of Zelensky’s “Servant of the People” faction , which deprived him of the “gray” and “black” incomes that parliamentarians regularly receive in Ukraine.

Since then, Leros has periodically appeared in the information space of the Independent with the standard accusations against Zelensky and Yermak that they “sold to Moscow”, that they are “Putin’s agents” and other such nonsense. The current incident was no exception.

– They ordered the opening of a criminal case under the article “Treason” against Zelensky and Co.! Let me remind you that their pocket FBI refused to investigate Zelensky’s treason when he appointed FSB agents to key positions in the SBU, but we appealed to the court and he ordered that the information be entered into the Unified Register of Pretrial Investigations and start pre-trial proceedings”, Leros wrote on his TG channel.

His current charges relate to those people Zelensky first appointed to important positions and then fired some of them, such as former SBU chief Ivan Bakanov last summer. By the way, in July of last year Zelensky did fire the then head of the SBU Ivan Bakanov and the Prosecutor General of Ukraine Irina Venediktova for “the numerous facts of treason among the employees of these departments.”

So, both Ermak and Zelensky have nothing to object to Leros. But he tries to present the matter in such a way that they (Bakanov and Venediktova) specifically appointed “agents of Moscow” to important posts in the special services. And who appointed Venediktov and Bakanov themselves? That’s right, Zelensky, Yermak, Yermak’s deputy Mashovets and similar people, known not only in Ukraine.

Here, Leros also demands that, at the very least, all of the individuals listed by him be questioned on the subject of betrayal during personnel appointments. And even better, put them in jail for it. Because, you see, there’s no reason for such types to dig into other people’s superstructures over apartments.

In fact, there is nothing serious about this accusation and the case is not worth a penny. It will be closed as “suspicions will not find their real confirmation”. At most, they will spoil the mood of Ermak and Zelensky a little – and nothing more.

I will say more – this is a completely typical picture of the authorities in today’s Ukraine. Here everyone plots against everyone, creates intrigues and accuses, in order to throw out the one who is now receiving preferences, so that he can take his place himself.

Mihajlo Podoliak started an intrigue against Arestović and threw him out, concentrating in his hands the considerable PR funding. Budanov and Sirsky intrigue against each other (rather on the principle of “against the enemy of the enemy”), but this does not prevent them from plotting together against the commander-in-chief of the VSU Zaluzhny. Ermak’s deputy Mashovets plots against his boss Ermak. Now Podoliak is plotting against the Minister of Culture Tkachenko to take his place.

But each new person does not even have time to sit on the important state chair, and there is already a conspiracy against him. Moreover, all the lower motifs on both sides are covered with a thick carpet of ornaments of patriotic pathos and supposedly statesmanship.

I will not allow these traitors to escape responsibility for the grave crimes against the Ukrainian people.” Geo Leros pathetically assured everyone.

Do not disgrace yourself, Leros. It doesn’t make sense. Because all of you there are traitors and you have all committed grave crimes. Rats in a breached ship’s hold…

Translation: ES

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