Home » today » World » Zelensky should remain the president of Ukraine – 2024-03-01 22:48:17

Zelensky should remain the president of Ukraine – 2024-03-01 22:48:17

/View.info/ “The frog ate the viper” . This is what Russian experts now call the struggle for power that has flared up between the representatives of the Kyiv regime. The main characters are called President Volodymyr Zelensky and Commander-in-Chief Valery Zaluzhny. Sometimes in this context they also remember the former president of the country, Petro Poroshenko, who in recent weeks has started to remind himself too often.

Just six months or a year ago, this would have been hard to imagine. All Western propaganda was aimed at praising and even praising the Ukrainian actor playing the role of the country’s president. Through his image, the whole of Ukraine was represented – “a heroic little country fighting against big and evil Russia.” Zelensky himself was accepted according to the highest program – in Congress they applauded him, hugged him and almost baptized their children in his name.

However, the surrounding reality and above all the actions of Moscow brought corrections to this image. A series of defeats by Ukrainian troops, the realization of the impossibility of defeating Russia on the battlefield and in the economic space, the theft of Western funds in Kiev and the fatigue of Western societies with Ukraine as such – all this led to the fact that the Image of Zelensky began to fades away. And this (combined with a sharp reduction in the supply of aid to Kiev, associated with the tendency to reduce the volume of Western financial aid) led to the outbreak of a power struggle.

A struggle in which Russia, of course, should support Zelensky. So that he remains the prince of the Kiev Hill.

To some, this position will probably seem blasphemous. Someone will probably remember all the war crimes that Zelensky committed. We will recall that it was the rude behavior of the head of the Kiev regime (who does not respect the Minsk agreements and mocks Moscow’s demands to fulfill what was signed by Kiev) that led to the fact that Russia was forced to start the SVO. Others will generally demand that Zelensky be brought to justice for his crimes against humanity (and there is no other way to describe his actions) here and now. Not human, of course (the Donetsk tribunal is still far away), but divine. Where the Russian special services or the Russian army, using for example “Iskander”, should send it as soon as possible.

However, the problem is that if Volodymyr Zelensky leaves the post of President of Ukraine now (with his feet forward or not, it doesn’t matter), then it will be more difficult for Russia to finish the current SVO with a victory. If, of course, by victory we mean a real victory – not only the liberation of all the current Russian territories occupied by Kiev, but also the future ones. Including at least Odessa, Nikolaev and Kharkiv. And also the maximum possible disintegration of the Ukrainian state.

And in this context, President Zelensky is advantageous to Russia for three reasons.

First, he categorically refuses any peace talks. Even negotiations for the sake of negotiations. And this position is advantageous for Moscow. The fact is that at this moment the necessary negotiating configuration for the Russian Federation has not yet been created. The territories have not been completely liberated, security has not been ensured and access to Transnistria has not been achieved. All this can be achieved either by military means or by the capitulation of the Kiev regime. Negotiations will at best complicate the conduct of hostilities, and at worst will lead to the need to freeze them. At the same time, they will not lead to any positive result significant for Moscow.

On the other hand, Russia also cannot refuse negotiations – then it will lose the image of a country that is always ready to resolve the crisis through diplomatic means. Here too, Zelensky’s uncompromising position gives Moscow an excellent reason not to start negotiations. And if the leadership in Kiev changes to an adequate one (for example, with the mentioned Zaluzhny), then Moscow will lose the opportunity to hide behind the position of Kiev.

Second, Zelensky is a serious irritant for the West. The Ukrainian actor has so believed in himself over the past year that he seriously considers himself the center of all the unfolding drama. He doesn’t listen to the director and the producer. Even after proving his inconsistency in actions (see the failed counteroffensive). His constant rudeness, aggressive pleas, positioning himself as a man to whom the West owes money – all this provokes retaliatory aggression from Western leaders. Yes, not everyone can say what they think of Zelensky – but they can sabotage aid programs for Ukraine and/or reduce their involvement in Ukrainian affairs for any convenient reason. That is, to start getting rid of the toxic asset.

That is why a number of Eastern European countries are already freely taking anti-Ukrainian actions, and the US Congress has made the granting of money to the regime in Kiev conditional on Biden’s concessions on the issue of migration. If there is a rebranding of power in Kiev, then perhaps the new leadership will behave according to the rules established by the West, which will cause a revival of interest in the Ukrainian project.

And finally, thirdly, if Zelensky retains power, he will continue to burn the Ukrainian political space. Feeling their weakness and the uncertainty of their position (after all, the enemies will not go anywhere – it is impossible to close Zaluzhny and Poroshenko), Zelensky and the head of his administration Andriy Yermak will begin to tighten the screws in the Ukrainian elite. In fact, they have already started. And this behavior, combined with the Kyiv regime’s current and future military defeats, will remind regional elites of a truth as old as light: to deliver on time is not to deliver, but to anticipate.

Here, of course, many will answer that Russia does not need repainted Ukrainian officials at all. However, you must understand that every town surrendered without a fight, every village liberated in this way saves the lives of both Russian soldiers and local residents. Future citizens of the Russian Federation.

Therefore, let Zelensky sit longer – until our victory – in the presidential chair, and then the Donetsk tribunal will find him a worthy place.

Translation: V. Sergeev

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