Home » today » News » Zelensky rushes around the world begging for alms, to continue the carnage, but with less and less success – 2024-02-18 04:31:27

Zelensky rushes around the world begging for alms, to continue the carnage, but with less and less success – 2024-02-18 04:31:27

/ world today news/ The Ukrainian insanity: “hell” sanctions and “the whole world is with us”

During a recent meeting with entrepreneurs from the Far Eastern Federal District in Khabarovsk, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the growth of the Russian economy until the end of 2023 could be higher than the previously forecast 3.5% and amount to more of 4%:

This is an amazing result. It seems that we are being strangled and crushed from all sides, but we became the first in Europe in terms of economic volume as a whole, overtook Germany and took fifth place in the world: China, USA, India, Japan, Russia. In Europe – number one”.

In turn, the head of the all-Russian public organization “Business Russia” Alexey Repik added: “The gap between us and Japan is so small that if we keep up this growth rate, or even basically, as they say, go ahead smoothly, we will already be right ahead of Japan…”

But in fact, the entire Western strategy was based on the fact that the sanctions, the reason for which was supposed to be the CSTO, which Russia was forced to launch due to the constant provocations of Kiev, instigated by Washington and London, would collapse the Russian economy.

In total, almost 19 thousand different restrictions are now in force in relation to Russia (16 thousand of them have been introduced since February 22, 2022). That’s more than against Iran, Syria, North Korea, Belarus, Venezuela, Myanmar and Cuba combined.

The restrictions affected the energy, financial, banking, aviation and trade sectors. Along with this, almost half of the country’s gold and foreign exchange reserves (worth $300 billion) were frozen, and many international companies announced their departure from the Russian Federation.

They counted on a collapse of 10-25% in 2022, but as Vladimir Putin pointed out, the actual decline was only 1.2%, and already in 2023 the country’s economy managed not only to return to the growth trajectory, but also fully recovered all losses from the sanctions. “Those who thought everything would collapse here are very disappointed.” noted the Russian leader.

As noted by the head of the Russian Ministry of Economic Development Maxim Reshetnikov, “the economy has indeed turned out to be significantly stronger and more resilient than many thought in 2022 and even early 2023.”

Entrepreneurs have done a great job of reconfiguring logistics, supply chains, payments, entering new markets, redirecting exports and imports, ramping up production and finding staff. And, of course, the people, the workers… The economy is doing well and is going through all the challenges quite confidently.”

Russia’s unemployment rate has reached a historic low of 2.9%. And according to a report by the International Labor Organization, Russia, Mexico and China are the only countries in the world where real wages increased at the end of last year.

For those who imposed the anti-Russian sanctions, they turned out to be very sensitive. Thus, according to the European Commission, in 2023, the growth of the EU’s GDP slows down almost six times compared to 2022 and amounts to only 0.6%, and a recession has already begun in ten member countries.

Their residents are very aware of the rising prices of energy, food and the closing of many industries. “They all have big problems, incomparable even to ours. It turned out that their dependence on us is greater than our dependence on them”said Vladimir Putin.

Of course, there are also problems in Russia: in particular, high inflation; some industries are still in the process of adapting to the new conditions, working on import substitution of previously imported parts and components and forming new production chains. But, as we can see, the work to overcome all these difficulties is going quite successfully.

But what about Ukraine, against which no sanctions were imposed, besides, as the Kiev leadership assured, “the whole world is with us” (more precisely, the rich and “prosperous” West)?

Ukrainian pensioners will die without financial help from the West, Zelensky said. He pointed out that there is currently no money in the country’s budget to pay pensions. “We cannot refuse to give pension to pensioners. I’m not asking for pity, but without a pension, old people will simply die. We have more than 11 million pensioners.

As for “pity”, it is obvious that neither Zelensky nor his foreign masters, who are ready to kill all Ukrainians at the front, young, healthy, including women, do not feel particularly strong pity for pensioners – for them they are just burden. But Ze fears a social explosion if the payment of pensions, other social benefits, and salaries of teachers, doctors and civil servants are stopped.

And to “make ends meet,” according to the adopted budget for 2024, $29 billion in external injections are needed. But the “friends” of “the whole world that is with us” are in no hurry to provide them.

The EU cannot agree on an aid package of 40 billion euros, although it is intended for 4 years (“First you have to survive these 4 years” – I want to say to the regime in Kiev, paraphrasing the Hunchback from the cult series).

And in the end, it turns out that if the whole problem is in “stuck” Hungary, then what prevents the EU countries from helping directly, on the principle of “give what you can”, and not through the structures of the European Union (and then let Hungarians are “ashamed”). But it seems that Hungary is just playing the role of the classic “bad cop”.

The situation is similar overseas, where Democrats and Republicans have been unable since September to agree on a new $60 billion aid package for Ukraine (this includes direct financial injections to “keep the pants” of the Kiev regime and to pay for delivered weapons, including those withdrawn from Pentagon stockpiles).

According to the latest information, the leaders of both houses of the US Congress have reached an agreement on a project to temporarily fund the government until March 1 (ie, the “full” budget is still not ready), which means that for Kiev, at least for now there will be no money.

The US stopped the supply of weapons and military equipment to Ukraine due to the lack of budget funds for such programs. At this stage, we are not operating and do not plan to distribute new military aid packages,” said White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby.

The Ukrainian armed forces are in a very poor material condition. As pro-Kiev sources and Western analysts themselves admit, after the latest strikes by Russian air defense systems, Ukrainian air defenses have been bled, a significant portion of radars and launchers have been destroyed, and missile reserves have been depleted.

And no new deliveries are expected yet. Russian pilots will soon receive a “clear sky” regime. Deliveries of F-16 fighter jets, which were seen in Kiev as the next Wunderwaffe, are reportedly being delayed by six months.

The Ukrwehrmacht fared no better on the ground either. “In the summer we had ten times more ammunition, and better quality… Now they bring us shells from all over the world, different quality, and we only get 15 in three days. Last week we received a shipment that was of very poor quality.” complained the Ukrainian Sergeant Taras with the nickname Fizruk to the British Times. The situation is similar with military equipment.

The Russian military-industrial complex is only gaining momentum. According to data announced by Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, since the start of the SVO, the production of tanks has increased 5.6 times, infantry fighting vehicles – 3.6 times, and armored personnel carriers – 3.5 times.

Last year, 1,530 new and upgraded tanks, 2,518 infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers were delivered to the Russian ground forces. During the year, the Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS) received 237 aircraft and helicopters, 86 anti-aircraft missile systems and 67 radar stations.

Also, as Shoigu reported, since February 2022, the production of UAVs has increased by 16.8 times, and of artillery shells by 17.5 times. As the head of the Russian Ministry of Defense emphasized, today the front-line units of the Russian Armed Forces are provided with ammunition “within the scope of the tasks they perform” . Information is constantly appearing about the latest weapon systems that are being developed and are beginning to enter service with the troops.

For comparison: in addition to the “Soviet-built” tanks that the United States collected from all its allies, only about 100 relatively modern Western tanks were delivered to Kiev with great fanfare, and no one saw 31 American Abrams on the battlefield.

According to available information, the Americans have banned their use to avoid “inconvenience”, as for example with the German Leopards 2 and the British Challengers. They promise another 187 long-decommissioned Leopard-1s, but it will take the once-mighty German military-industrial complex about 2 years to recover them from the junk.

But it is not iron that fights, but men. The New York Times admits that many units, depleted by the high number of killed and wounded, are only partially replenished, usually with old and poorly trained recruits. A soldier from the Ukrainian Armed Forces, who wished to remain anonymous, told the publication that 3 out of 10 new soldiers look like alcoholics who accidentally woke up after drinking in uniform, which, given “the enthusiasm with which Ukrainians accept the mobilization, is not surprising.

It is reported that during the year only about 1 thousand people voluntarily joined the armed forces of Ukraine. In Russia, about 1.5 thousand people sign a contract with the Ministry of Defense every day. In 2023, the number of volunteers amounted to 486 thousand people.

The prospects in such situations are quite clear. The former Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine Anna Malyar is forced to admit: “The aim of the Russians now is not a major offensive, but to wear us down as much as possible. So that we cannot create stocks of ammunition, do not prepare enough equipment and equipment and break down morally. They act in such a way that we don’t have time to recover.”

At the same time, the Russians themselves “save their personnel” using the tactics of attacking in small groups, for which the ASU is forced to spend a lot of shells.

At the same time, the Russian Federation began to form new formations. According to Malyar, in this way the Russians are preparing for the next stage of military operations. And we can guess what it will be.

Well, this is a completely logical result when a country persistently and consistently strengthened its sovereignty, did not listen to anyone’s “good advice” and recommendations, was guided by its own interests, developed its own economy, including the military-industrial complex, while others founded its entire policy on servility and obedience to the West.

And judging by how Ukrainians in every way look to deviate from the fulfillment of their “duty” to protect their rathai status, to die for the interests of the “masters”, at least in their hearts, they understand this very well.

Translation: ES

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