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Zelensky reveals the world leaders with whom he understands best and jokes when choosing his favorite | Present


With which world leaders does Volodimir Zelensky get on best? Since Vladimir Putin announced on February 24 a large-scale “military operation” in Ukraine with “high-precision weapons” with the aim of “demilitarizing and denazifying” the country, the Ukrainian president has been in contact with dozens of leaders politicians in order to receive their help. In fact, some of them have even traveled to kyiv to show their support for him. From Mateusz Morawiecki (Poland) or Janez Jansa (Slovenia) to Petr Fiala (Czech Republic), who traveled to the Ukrainian capital just a few days ago with the aim of offering their support.

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With which of all of them do you understand better? Just a few days ago, the Ukrainian president was asked during an interview to Euronews about his relationship with the presidents of the different countries of the world. After acknowledging that he spoke every day with approximately ten world leaders, the journalists asked him to get wet and say which ones were his favorites and with which he has noticed a greater connection since the Russian invasion of his country began. Despite the fact that at first he did not want to get wet, the Ukrainian president has ended up revealing with whom he understands himself better.

Zelensky reveals the political leaders with whom he understands best

After joking about the deep connections he has with some European leaders, Volodimir Zelensky revealed that he got along very well with the president of Poland, Andrzej Duda. On the other hand, the Ukrainian has also highlighted his good relationship with the President of France, Emmanuel Macron, with the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Boris Johnson, and with the leaders of the Baltic countries. After the Euronews journalist asked him if all those political leaders were his favourites, Volodimir Zelensky gave him an answer that made those present laugh.

Since he has not wanted to say at any time which of all of them is his favorite, Zelensky has taken the opportunity to give an answer with which he has earned the respect of those present: “Who do I prefer? My wife.” An anecdote that provoked laughter from both Zelensky and the journalists from Euronews, who were left without knowing who their European president was. However, and despite the fact that he has more connection with some than with others, the Ukrainian president is in almost daily contact with the different European leaders.

Zelensky asks Europe for help

Yesterday, without going any further, he attended the Italian Parliament by video call to ask for greater sanctions and pressure on Russia to stop its invasion: “We have been invading for 27 days, a month, and we need other sanctions and other pressure so that Russia cannot supply itself of military reserves in Libya or Syria, and for peace to return”.

On the other hand, and with the aim that both Italy and the rest of the European countries help them put an end to the invasion, Zelensky warned that Putin’s objective is to “influence Europe” and, subsequently, “destroy its values, its democracy and their human rights”: “Ukraine is the door for the Russian Army because they want to enter Europe”.

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