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Zelensky imposed sanctions against Russian banks

Photo: Office of the President

Ukraine has expanded sanctions against Russian banks

The President approved the NSDC decision to extend and impose new sanctions against dozens of Russian banks.

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on Thursday, June 24, introduced the NSDC’s decision to impose sanctions against Russian banks has been put into effect.

“To put into effect the decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine dated June 18, 2021” On the application of personal special economic and other restrictive measures (sanctions) “(attached),” the decree says.

The sanctions list includes 55 Russian banking institutions, in particular those operating in the temporarily occupied territories of Donbass and Crimea.

In relation to these banking institutions, blocking of assets is introduced, a ban on providing loans, loans, financial assistance, guarantees; a ban on lending through the purchase of securities; prohibition on the purchase of securities.

The sanctions were imposed for a period of three years.

A complete list of those who fell under the sanctions can be found at link.

As a reminder, the decision to renew sanctions against Russian banks The NSDC adopted on March 11.

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