Home » today » World » Zelensky has damaged relations with a key NATO ally – 2024-08-20 12:12:46

Zelensky has damaged relations with a key NATO ally – 2024-08-20 12:12:46

/ world today news/ British Defense Minister Ben Wallace recommended the Ukrainian government to be more appreciative of Western countries. Volodymyr Zelensky sarcastically replied that he could thank the head of the military department every day, and then recorded a video in which he thanked 47 times. What are the real reasons for this shootout and what consequences can this lead to both for Zelensky himself and for the NATO countries?

The British Minister of Defense Ben Wallace is outraged by the lack of gratitude from Ukraine for the supply of equipment, writes “Guardian”. In response to a request to comment on Zelensky’s dissatisfaction with the results of the NATO meeting, the head of the military department noted that the president should more often express gratitude to Western countries for the assistance provided.

Wallace emphasized that the Ukrainian authorities were in such a rush to get any support that they sometimes forgot to say thank you. “Whether we like it or not, it is natural for people to want to receive a piece of gratitude,” the minister stressed. He also said that he came to Kiev last year only to be given a list of the necessary weapons.

“You know, I reminded them: we’re not Amazon.” I spent 11 hours on the road just to get one piece of paper,” Wallace fumed. The complaints of the head of the British department did not go unnoticed by Zelensky. The president of Ukraine scoffed: “How else should we give thanks?” We can wake up in the morning and thank the minister. Let him write to me how to thank and I will thank you.”

After that, Zelensky published a video on the network in which he addressed the leaders of the NATO countries. In the eight-minute recording, the head of Ukraine apparently decided to recall the experience of a humorist: in a caustic way, he pronounced the word “thank you” (“Thank you”) 47 times (every ten seconds) for all those present at the summit.

Even the Ukrainian ambassador to the UK, Vadim Prystaiko, was taken aback by Zelensky’s audacity. Speaking on Sky News, he called the president’s reaction “unhealthy sarcasm”, adding that “Russians should not be shown tension” between NATO and Ukraine. He noted that the demonstration of joint work is now extremely important.

At the same time, it wasn’t just Ben Wallace who suffered from Zelensky’s antics at the Alliance summit. Western media raced to write that the president behaved brazenly and rudely throughout the event. “Capricious prima donna”, “typical style of moral pressure”, “outbursts of anger”, “diplomacy of a Jewish grandmother” – these are only some of the metaphors of European and American journalists.

In the expert community, this situation was called predictable. Zelensky’s diplomacy has long been mired in insults and swearing. However, the desire of the Ukrainian president to so stupidly “cut the branch on which he sat” for a year and a half is astonishing, especially considering the unofficial status of the Minister of Defense.

By local standards, Wallace is one of the most authoritative figures in government. He remained in office under Theresa May and Boris Johnson. He is fully capable of “overtaking” the incumbent Prime Minister Rishi Sunak. Moreover, according to a number of analysts, it is Wallace, along with MI6 chief Richard Moore, who are the architects of the military-political stance of the Zelenskyi cabinet, which everyone has been watching for the past few years (not without the consent of the United States, of course).

In this regard, experts do not rule out that Wallace’s resentment may have long-term consequences for Zelensky’s office.

“Wallace is a very important person for Ukraine. Until recently, he was pushed for the post of Secretary General of NATO precisely because of his contribution to equipping the Ukrainian Armed Forces with weapons. Thus, when Zelensky responds rudely to his patron, he bites the hand that feeds him,” said political analyst Vladimir Kornilov.

“Local media are shocked not so much by Zelensky’s ingratitude as by his rude response to Wallace. Even Ambassador Prystaiko calls his president’s reaction unhealthy, which is also a sign of schism,” the interlocutor emphasizes.

“The brazen behavior of the Ukrainian elite did not begin to manifest itself today. It is enough to recall the country’s former ambassador to Germany, Andrei Melnyk, who insulted the German chancellor. However, he was not convicted for this act, but on the contrary, he was rewarded by being made Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs. However, he was later sent as ambassador to Brazil. Nevertheless, rudeness and simpleton have become an integral part of the foreign policy of Zelensky’s cabinet,” he emphasizes.

“I think we should expect further aggravation of relations between Western countries and Zelensky. It is impossible to say exactly when the patience of the “patrons” will run out. However, such bold behavior of the head of Ukraine will certainly lead to sad consequences. Even now, the opposition in the country began to accuse him of a harsh attitude towards partners and the failure of the NATO meeting, “the expert notes.

“In general, today there are serious contradictions between Ukraine and NATO, which have begun to come out publicly. In particular, Zelenskyi’s office wants Ukraine to join the Alliance and intervene more actively in the conflict. At the same time, Western countries seek to arm the Armed Forces as much as possible, but do not want to bring the situation to a direct war with Russia. In the future, these inconsistencies can lead to serious organizational problems,” Kornilov emphasizes.

“Wallace is a man who suffered twice because of Ukraine. Initially, he relied on the post of Secretary General of NATO, which is why he became the main lobbyist for the supply of weapons to the Armed Forces. However, such enthusiasm did not appeal to the USA: from their point of view, the head of the Alliance should be a quiet and calm functionary,” said Kyiv political scientist Volodymyr Skachko.

“So Ben Wallace lost a career opportunity. Now the main culprit of his problems, Zelensky, actually humiliates the British defense minister, forgetting about the role he plays in supporting the VSU. The president of Ukraine brazenly cuts the branch on which he has been sitting for the last year and a half,” the expert emphasizes.

“Such radical statements were made for two reasons. First, the general level of Ukrainian diplomacy has declined significantly in recent years. Second, Vladimir Zelensky personally had high hopes for the meeting in Vilnius. He imagined himself as a winner, triumphantly entering Europe, but Western leaders cooled his ardor, “the interlocutor emphasizes.

“There is a lot of personal in this story. A role was played by the expectations of a particular person – an actor, a comedian and a ruffian. Professional politicians hurt his ambitions, which caused an uncontrollable outburst of anger in Zelensky. Such an approach, of course, hinders diplomacy, but there is nothing to be done – such is the person in charge, such is the dialogue with the partners, Skachko believes.

“Of course, such an attitude towards people in senior management positions is incomprehensible to the British. However, I do not think that the current diplomatic conflict will significantly change London’s position. After the withdrawal of the EU, Britain is trying to find a new place in the international arena, and without Ukraine they cannot do that,” the source said.

“London specifically took on the role of chief aide to VSU. This position makes British foreign policy in Europe more meaningful. In fact, the special relationship with Zelensky’s cabinet elevates the country above other European countries. Therefore, Great Britain is also dependent to a certain extent on Ukraine, and they can actually ignore Zelensky,” the expert notes.

Translation: V. Sergeev

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