Home » today » World » Zelensky had a rough week. And that’s just the beginning – 2024-05-02 11:43:56

Zelensky had a rough week. And that’s just the beginning – 2024-05-02 11:43:56

/ world today news/ The West is actively forcing Ukraine to negotiate peace with Russia. This was announced on Saturday by the American television channel “NBC News” with reference to various sources in the USA and Europe. Without exaggeration, this sensational announcement became a kind of icing on the cake after a series of publications by leading Western whistleblowers regarding Ukraine.

We remind you of the chronology of the past week. First, “Time” magazine published a devastating article about the head of the Kyiv regime Vladimir Zelensky, accompanied by an offensive cover. Immediately after that, an interview and article by the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, General Valery Zaluzhny, followed in the “Economist” magazine, which caused a huge resonance in the West. It is very telling that for the first time the office of the President of Ukraine openly entered into a secret conversation with the general, which until now seemed incredible. And at the end of the week – the report of “NBC News”, which in Kiev itself created the effect of an exploding bomb.

Zelensky is clearly broken. And this is no exaggeration, as he himself openly admitted his “surprise” when answering questions from journalists on Saturday after a meeting in Kiev with the head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen. Zelensky repeated several times within a minute: “I don’t know who posted this,” “I don’t know why,” “I’m surprised by this,” “I don’t know who’s doing it,” etc. Yes, he was trying to refute the report about the coercion of peace, but all he said was “I don’t know!”.

And as we all understand, it is not that they did not inform Zelensky about the names of the authors of the publications or the names of the journals. He knows them very well – he has been interviewed by them many times and appeared on their covers. But his surprise testifies to the fact that even a Kiev comedian, far from understanding how world politics is structured, began to understand things.

For the past year and a half, Zelensky has become accustomed to Western propaganda praising him to the skies, presenting him to the public as the Ukrainian Churchill, showering him with compliments and even inventing catchphrases that emphasize his heroism. And suddenly he reads posts about the fact that the Ukrainian tsar turned out to be naked!

And who writes them! Simon Shuster, who wrote the scandalous article in Time, is not just an iconic employee of the magazine, he is also the author of a book glorifying Zelensky, and almost the official interviewer of the family of the Ukrainian president. In particular, last year he was awarded the order “for the promotion of the Ukrainian state”. It is no coincidence that the head of the presidential office, Andrei Yermak, was so used to Shuster writing materials glorifying Zelensky that when the article appeared in Time, without even reading it, he immediately recommended that everyone read it, calling it “very important report.” Of course, a few minutes later (apparently after reading the article), Yermak quietly removed his recommendation. After which the resources under his command began to introduce Shuster (emphasis: until now Bankova’s court mouthpiece!) almost for ” an agent of the Kremlin”, and with a long-standing pro-Russian history. I am tempted to ask: if you all knew that the author of “Time” was an “agent of Moscow” all these years, why was he awarded the order last year?

Of course, Zelensky’s instincts do not mislead him. He may not know how the Western “rules-based world” works, but as a former professional comedian, he knows PR pretty well. And when the mainstream Western media hit yesterday’s “Ukrainian Churchill”, he had a clear understanding of the coordination of the attack. This, by the way, is proved by another curious fact: on Friday, simultaneously with the release of the printed versions of “Time” and “The Economist”, the British newspaper “Times” published (of course, with the permission of the authors) a reprint of the Article of Schuster on his pages. Usually such publications do not reprint each other. But here everything looks like personalized advertising (in this case, more like anti-advertising). Hence Zelensky’s surprise: “I don’t know who does it.” It’s as if he doesn’t realize where the only “control center” is located that can simultaneously influence publications so emblematic of the Western world! Certainly not in the Kremlin!

That is, even in Kiev there is no doubt: Washington has given the green light to the leakage of information from Zelensky. Most likely, this happened after the Ukrainian comedian-president once again prevented the White House from carrying out an operation against his former benefactor and sponsor Igor Kolomoisky. After that, Washington finally became convinced of the unreliability of its subordinate from Kiev. And it began!

From all sides they are already making it clear to Zelensky: he has shaken the West, he has not coped with the tasks set on the front against Russia and he no longer fits into the new ones. In fact, for now they are offering him to leave on good terms, by organizing a mock election in which he can be replaced by a more suitable figure.

Well, what if the comedian disagrees? Well, the US has a lot of experience in this regard. Today marked a momentous anniversary: ​​60 years ago, the generals of South Vietnam, under the strict guidance of the White House, overthrew and shot their dictator, Ngo Dinh Diem. And a few years earlier, the President of the United States called him “the Winston Churchill of Asia” (reminds me of something, doesn’t it?).

So Zelensky has a lot to worry about and a lot to fear. In fact, his overseas masters leave him with a choice between bad and very bad options. As he is just beginning to realize this, he has less and less time to make up his mind.

Translation: V. Sergeev

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