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Zelensky enacted NSDC decision to protect Ukraine’s borders – UNIAN

Among other things, the presidential decree contains a number of classified instructions to the Cabinet of Ministers.

The National Security and Defense Council made a decision “On certain issues of the implementation of state policy in the field of state border protection” / photo UNIAN, Vladimir Lyakh

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy put into effect NSDC decision of July 30 regarding the state policy in the field of border protection.

Corresponding decree No. 367/2021 the head of state signed on Wednesday, August 18. It comes into force on the day of its publication. The NSDC secretary is responsible for its implementation.

Among other things, the presidential decree contains a number of classified instructions to the Cabinet of Ministers.

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According to the decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine “On certain issues of implementing state policy in the field of protecting the state border”, within six months, the Cabinet of Ministers, together with local authorities, is obliged to conduct an inventory of land plots 30-50 meters wide along the state border on land, along the banks of the Ukrainian part of the border river, lake or other body of water. And also to determine the owners and users of land plots, cadastral numbers, purpose and form of ownership.

The authorities should terminate the rights of permanent use and take measures to seize, alienate, buy out land plots of natural reserve and other nature conservation purposes, historical and cultural lands with a width of 30-50 meters along the state border, and real estate objects of legal and physical persons.

These lands will be transferred for permanent use to the military units of the State Border Service of Ukraine (State Border Guard Service).

It also provides for the development and approval of a state target program for the development of the border.

The NSDC decision obliges the Cabinet of Ministers to ensure the design of the state border and its arrangement, the installation of border signs, border glades, the construction of engineering and fortifications, fences, communications of the State Border Guard Service and their maintenance.

The government must also ensure the strengthening of the banks of the Ukrainian part of the border water bodies, returning their channel to its previous position in accordance with the documents specified in international treaties on the state border regime, and ensuring the stability of the border line of Ukraine, which runs along a river, lake or other body of water.

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