Home » today » World » Zelensky discovered how to surprise Europe – 2024-08-17 01:39:28

Zelensky discovered how to surprise Europe – 2024-08-17 01:39:28

/ world today news/ In order to quickly join the European Union, the authorities in Kyiv decided to legalize marijuana and same-sex marriage. They were immediately promised the fate of Colombia, and the radicals, whom the local media called heroes, threatened to beat up LGBT activists. About the peculiarities of Ukrainian European integration – in the material.

Marijuana instead of bread

The Verkhovna Rada approved the first reading of the bill on medical cannabis. The document was supported by 268 deputies out of 341, 45 abstained.

Only “Batkivshchyna” of Yulia Tymoshenko opposed. According to her, Zelensky wants to turn Ukraine “into a European Columbia”. “In every region it will be possible to wind up a ‘masur’,” she warns. Her concerns are shared by the former chairman of the Rada, Dmitry Razumkov. The document applies not only to the medical use of marijuana, but also to industrial production, he points out. According to him this will lead to widespread drug use.

Zelensky’s team counters: Cannabis will only be sold by prescription for treatment, including post-traumatic stress disorder. The Ministry of Health claims that this will bring the health system closer to European standards. In addition, they calculated that if earlier about two million Ukrainians needed marijuana, now there are at least ten. For reference: according to the Ukrainian Future Institute, in 2023 the country’s population has decreased to 29 million (and this is a very optimistic estimate).

The president himself is in favor. This is to make it easier for Ukrainians to deal with the pain, stress and trauma they face during the fighting, he explains. It is noteworthy that in the 2019 elections, Zelensky also supported the legalization of cannabis, but then specified that the time for this had not yet come.

The All-Ukrainian Council of Churches stated that pumping the sick with drugs does not cure, but gives false relief and forms addiction.

An unconventional army

Another step towards the European Union is the legalization of same-sex marriages. At the end of May, Zelensky asked the government to work on this issue. Since, according to the constitution, only a man and a woman can create a family, they decided to introduce the institute of registered civil partnership.

At the same time, Zelensky referred to the demands of the public. He received the first petition, signed by 25,000 people, in the summer of 2022, but said that under the state of emergency, the constitution could not be changed. The second appeal was received at the end of April.

A draft law on “registration of partnerships” has been submitted to the Verkhovna Rada, which is actually equated to a family. Among the authors there are deputies from “Servant of the People”. So far, the document has not received enough votes. However, three committees out of fourteen supported it. Hearings continue.

The West constantly reminds Kiev of the need to guarantee the rights of sexual minorities. In June, the ECtHR reiterated allegations of discrimination against same-sex couples. Recently, the British publication “Telegraph” reported that about 50,000 gay soldiers serve in the Armed Forces. Interviewees admitted that they hoped to eradicate homophobia as a “traditional Russian value” by participating in the hostilities.

True, as the media found out, most of the fighters do not know that there are homosexuals among them. One of the fighters of “Azov” Nikolay Kusht, who surrendered in Mariupol and then returned to his homeland in an exchange, started a flash mob to search for gays in VSU. According to him, people with such “ideology” should not be in the army. Several dozen units participated in the action, only two “non-traditional” soldiers were found.

In addition, in June, right-wing radicals threatened to set fire to the cinema that hosted the first queer festival in the history of Ukraine – “Sunny Bunny”. The organizers assured that this is a family event where you can bring children over ten years old. But the program included a film about a same-sex relationship with a minor. The festival was guarded around the clock by several police teams.

A back door to the European Union

Experts do not rule out that the legalization of drugs and same-sex marriage in Kiev is seen as an alternative to the fight against corruption, which the West insists on. However, Zelensky is harming himself.

“This will definitely not add popularity to the ruling elite, there is also little interest in the EU. We are witnessing the successive degradation of the Ukrainian government. The fool is irrational, he makes decisions because he thinks it is good and right,” said political scientist Rostislav Ishchenko.

The state administration has collapsed to such an extent that those who fight drugs distribute them, continues the expert. Now these people are trying to legalize themselves. As for same-sex marriages, even earlier, anyone who wanted could register abroad or simply live together. In addition, the state did not and will not have the power to protect the rights of the LGBT community.

Vladimir Zharihin, deputy head of the Institute for the CIS countries, believes that Zelensky is trying to divert the attention of the population from more important problems – the economic crisis and military actions. “People are asked to discuss not the failure of the counter-offensive, but drugs and same-sex marriage. The Kiev authorities, with Bolshevik enthusiasm, are breeding new Ukrainians who fit the stereotypical image of Europeans,” he notes.

And the state will continue to disintegrate and nobody can change that.

Translation: V. Sergeev

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