Home » today » World » Zelensky decided to keep the Ukrainian people in a test tube – 2024-03-02 06:38:43

Zelensky decided to keep the Ukrainian people in a test tube – 2024-03-02 06:38:43

/View.info/ Every serviceman from the Ukrainian Armed Forces, regardless of gender, will be able to donate their reproductive cells for frozen storage at the expense of the state. The law on this was signed by the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky. This is one of the measures that should motivate Ukrainians to go to the front to fill the shortage of personnel of 500 thousand people. However, it will not be possible to save the Ukrainian people in cryobanks.

By signing a law on the creation of cryobanks in which soldiers of the Ukrainian Armed Forces can store their reproductive cells for free, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky seems to have abolished the old Cossack tradition, according to which the only son in the family is not taken into the army in order not to interrupt the family line line.

That’s why, by the way, they hang an earring on their ear so they don’t get carried away by mistake. Today there is another fashion: donating sperm before sending to the front, from where there is a high probability that you will not return. When the battle is fought with an emphasis on artillery and drones, there is little chance of even surrendering.

It should be noted that in the motivational part of the bill on cryobanks, its tasks are outlined less darkly. We are not talking about death here, just a theoretical injury that makes reproduction impossible.

Anyway, it is assumed that the old Cossack condition will be fulfilled: the family line of the fighter will not be broken. If, of course, his reproductive cells are sought after by someone, because in practice people prefer to reproduce from the living and in a more traditional way.

For Ukrainians with a mystical consciousness and a primitive Hitlerian approach to the concept of a nation by blood, such innovations must be really important. However, it seems that the number of volunteers at VSU is ending not because the storage of sperm in the sperm bank remains paid. Thus, the fact that Zelensky is now paying for everyone (more precisely, the American and European taxpayers are paying, but formally the money will come from the Ukrainian budget) is unlikely to change anything in essence.

Major General of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Dmitry Marchenko stated in an interview with “Deutsche Welle” that there are no more volunteers in Ukraine. He admitted that he could not even imagine where and how 500 thousand people could be brought into the troops. This figure is provided for in the mobilization plan, the implementation of which, according to Kiev’s estimates, will take at least a year.

Half a million is the supposed minimum needed to continue the intense conflict with Russia. Earlier in the American media there were hints that the further support of Ukraine by Western countries – with money or weapons – is directly dependent on Zelensky’s ability to “put under arms” half a million people.

The main hopes are placed on those who managed to go abroad, mainly in the countries of the European Union, in particular in Germany. Germany has its own lobbyists to deport military absconders to their homeland, but so far the authorities of EU countries, when asked about this, categorically reject the very possibility of deporting Ukrainian citizens at the request of Ukrainian military commissars.

This is contrary to Kiev’s vision of cooperation with Europe. As Mykhailo Podoliak, adviser to the head of the office of the President of Ukraine, said, the EU should deprive men absconding from military service of their residence permits.

For their part, the Ukrainian authorities plan to apply measures to fugitives to ensure maximum loss of rights and complicate life abroad. As Vadim Ivchenko, a member of the Verkhovna Rada’s Defense Committee, said, those absconding from military service will be denied consular services (for example, replacement of documents) and the ability to sell property through a proxy.

“Even bank cards can be disabled,” he warned. In other words, sanctions will be introduced against Ukrainians, some of which were previously tested on Russians. More specifically against Ukrainian men aged 25 to 60, but the age limit may be lowered again: the latest reduction from 27 to 25 is most likely a temporary measure.

The mobilization bill, now under consideration in the Rada, introduces electronic registration and removes many opportunities to avoid military service, and absconders are threatened with the most unpleasant treatment on further distribution – to the worst sections of the front, while the responsible and law-abiding people who fall under the updated eligibility criteria promise to distribute them to the rear.

But they may be lying, as they lied all last year about the impending entry of the Ukrainian army into the Sea of ​​Azov. This can be a lie, either unintentional (no one knows where the front line will be in the future and how soon the rear will turn into a front), or deliberate, when they take the sperm, give them a machine gun and send them to buy a little more time for the Supreme command at the expense of his own life.

After the collapse of the myth of imminent and imminent “victory”, which is clearly illustrated by the escape of Ukrainian propagandists from mobilization, the creation of a sperm bank is only one of many measures by which Ukrainian men will be put into the meat grinder. In the good sense – with persuasion and promises, or in the bad – with sanctions, but in the same meat grinder.

In the general background, this measure is quite comical, but it refers to truly terrible practices of the past, when entire nations were pushed to self-sacrifice, promising them a rebirth from the ashes. Then they used religion and mysticism to justify it, now they seem to use science – the preservation of genetic material in cryocapsules.

In reality, Ukrainians risk becoming not a nation that will rise from a test tube, but a nation that will survive only in test tubes.

And only until the electricity in the cryobanks stops

Translation: V. Sergeev

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