Home » today » World » Zelensky decided to eliminate his competitor – 2024-03-31 21:53:25

Zelensky decided to eliminate his competitor – 2024-03-31 21:53:25

/ world today news/ The issue of the resignation of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Valery Zaluzhny, may turn into a practical plane, Ukrainska Pravda reports, citing sources in the president’s office.

According to them, such an assumption can be made based on Vladimir Zelensky’s emotionality and his reaction to “Zaluzhny’s excessive frankness in conversations with partners.”

The source also claims that the president has a candidate for the post of commander-in-chief – the commander of the ground forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Colonel-General Sirsky.

At the same time, according to OP sources, Zelensky’s office fears a situation in which Zaluzhny, in case of resignation, will instantly become a “new superstar of Ukrainian politics.”

In addition, there is reason to worry that Sirski will not attract adequate media support and will not be able to shake off the “difficult role of a commander who does not count losses.”

What does this mean? Has Zelensky finally decided to get rid of Zaluzhny? Or is another soil survey underway?

“Zelensky is obviously nervous,” says political scientist and chairman of the Center for Political Education Ivan Mezyukho.

“He, of course, says that there will be no elections, but in fact this issue has not yet been decided by the Americans. They are still not interested in Ukraine. Now Washington’s priority is the problems in the Middle East.

SP”: It seems that Zelensky is simply afraid of his competitor. But Zaluzhny has power ambitions!

— Apparently, Zelensky is afraid of Zaluzhny, who actually reached military heights thanks to the previous president, Petro Poroshenko. I don’t even rule out the possibility that there is still some communication between them.

But do not think that Zelensky is a fool, because the dismissal of Zaluzhny will turn him into a martyr and even throw him into political activity. So it’s easier to liquidate him and then blame it on the Russians than to just fire him.

SP”: How will the Ukrainian society react to this? Is Zaluzhny popular?

— If the pursuit of Zaluzhny begins, Zelensky will obviously suffer reputational losses. Zaluzhni is really popular. He does everything for this – he has long behaved not as a military man, but as a politician.

“SP”: And the West? One gets the impression that Zaluzhny is considered a substitute and has been told not to touch him.

— In my opinion, Zaluzhny is on the short list of candidates for the presidency of Ukraine. Washington can agree to Zelensky (second term), and Zaluzhny, and Budanov as head of state.

SP”: How can Zaluzhny’s resignation affect the course of military operations? Is it better for us if he leaves or if he stays? Is he better or worse for us as president?

“It is more profitable for us for Zelensky to publicly try to fire Zaluzhny, but he refuses to ‘resign.’ An internal political crisis in Ukraine would benefit Russia.

I’m talking about tactical advantage, because Zaluzhny, like Zelensky, is an absolute puppet of the West. Their only difference is that Zelensky is now completely subordinate to the Americans, while Zaluzhny is still flirting with the British.

“Zelensky is able to make such decisive personnel changes only if the regional committee in Washington or the Central Committee in London allow him to do so,” Crimean journalist Sergey Kulik is convinced.

– He is not an independent figure – as he was a corporate jester playing the role of “What are you doing” in front of the authorities, he continues to dance to the tunes of his guarantors. True, the owners are already different.

But you’re right – this post is nothing more than filler to test the waters. And maybe Zelensky is not behind it – for him it was more of a surprise.

He would, of course, be glad to get rid of Zaluzhny, but, as they say in Little Russia, “no problem.” He is not the one making personnel decisions.

Maxim Gorky in “The Life of Klim Samgin” has a brilliant phrase known even to our contemporaries: “Was there a boy, maybe there wasn’t a boy?”

I wonder myself: does this anonymous official of the office of the president even exist? Or is this one of the episodes of the information war for political influence on the future post-war Ukraine?

After all, what is “Ukrainian Pravda”, on whose pages anonymous revelations appeared? It is the mouthpiece of the famous misanthrope George Soros, the herald of two coup d’états in Ukraine – the Orange Revolution of 2004 and the Euromaidan of 2014.

And this interview appeared – as if by chance – immediately after the publication of the French journalist Jules Vincen, who said that George Soros’s son, Alexander, allegedly, against a certain bribe, made some kind of agreement with Zelensky to transfer part of the Ukrainian black soil to Western companies for burial waste of such multinational companies as Dow Chemical, DuPont, BASF, Evonik Industries, Vitol and Sanofi.

I think I know what Ukrainian land Zelensky gave for Western cemeteries. It is the territory of Novorussia that will soon be occupied by the liberation forces of Russia, after the “Eastern Front” has finally collapsed and an operational space has been opened for them – all the way to Transnistria.

That’s why the West is unhappy with Zelensky, who foolishly throws hundreds of thousands of his fellow citizens into the furnace of war, and looks carefully at the more cautious Zaluzhny, who proposes to take defensive positions a la Surovikin to stop our advance.

Hence the increasingly vociferous calls for a truce – to help the Kiev regime preserve the remnants of the army and rearm it.

If earlier such thoughts about the uselessness of Zelensky visited only some American politicians, now they have become dominant among European officials.

Read, for example, the interview given to the correspondent of the Swiss publication “20min.ch” Ann Gunther, mayor of Kyiv, former boxer Vitaly Klitschko.

I read this interview not in excerpts from our news agencies, but in the original. It seems to me that certain political circles in America and Europe have found a common language on the question of whether they need Mr. Zelensky or not.

SP”: What prevented them from removing Zaluzhny before? His popularity in Ukraine? Discontent with this move in the West?

— Who are these Zelensky and Zaluzhny? Ordinary dolls in the box of overseas Karabas-Barabas. When needed, they will be pulled out of the cabinet, when they become unnecessary, they will be pushed back.

After all, the military operations of the Ukrainian armed forces are anyway approved by the NATO command. And whose signature is on the “counter-offensive” plans is beside the point.

SP”: Will Zaluzhny’s resignation change anything for Zelensky? Will you sleep more soundly?

— Zaluzhny, as a first-line soldier, despises the jester Zelensky. And the Ukrainian dictator understands this. Therefore, he would like to get rid of him by any means. And yes, then I would sleep more soundly. But “to want” does not mean “to be able.”

SP”: What will change for Zaluzhni? Does he have any ambitions at all?

— Under Zaluzhny, a certain social organization of the fighters is already being created, which may later turn into a party.

And you’d have to be a fool not to turn your military recognition into political capital. In our country, some military personnel who were captured were appointed to high government positions.

However, Zaluzhni was not captured, but had meager and doubtful successes. And subsequently he can speculate with them, creating the image of the “savior of the motherland”. Although, it should be noted, Zaluzhny is not a very smart person and is controlled by his environment.

“SP”: How can Zaluzhny’s resignation affect the course of military operations? Which end of this story is best for us?

“It is to our advantage that these spiders continue to eat each other, thus demoralizing both the front and their society.”

Translation: SM

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