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Zelensky confirmed the successful advancement of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Kherson direction – UNIAN

The advance of our troops in the Kharkiv region is being held back by the pressure of the invaders in the Zaporozhye region.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky announced certain successes in the Kherson direction.

He said this in his evening video message.

“We have some success in the Kherson direction, as well as advancement in the Kharkiv region. The armed forces of Ukraine are holding back the pressure of the invaders in the Zaporozhye region, the key direction is Gulyaipole and Orekhovo,” he commented.

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At the same time, he noted that the situation in the Donbass direction is very difficult.

“Severodonetsk, Lisichansk, Kurakhovo are now at the epicenter of confrontation,” the president stressed.

According to him, given the presence of a large chemical production in Severodonetsk, the strikes of the Russian army there, in particular blind air bombardments, are simply insane.

“But on the 97th day of such a war, it is no longer surprising that for the Russian military, for Russian commanders, for Russian soldiers, any madness is absolutely acceptable,” Zelensky said.

He added that everyone in Ukraine wants all our territories, all our people to be liberated as soon as possible, but we must act carefully, valuing life.

Zelensky once again stressed that the goal in this war is the complete restoration of the territorial integrity of our state.

“Everyone and everyone at all levels should now be lobbyists for the supply of modern heavy weapons to our state, modern artillery. All those systems that can really accelerate the victory of Ukraine. Speak about it wherever it is useful and where it is heard. Speak to the politicians of the partner states , representatives of foreign media, even your friends abroad. This narrative about the need to provide Ukraine with enough weapons to win should be constantly maintained,” the President stressed.

Counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Kherson direction: what is known

The first reports of the advance of Ukrainian forces towards the occupied regions of the Kherson region started showing up a few days ago.

On the evening of May 31, British intelligence officers stated “good results” attacks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the positions of the invaders.

The day before, the Ministry of Internal Affairs noted that the defenders managed to push back the invaders by 8-10 km in some areas of the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions.

According to the local authorities of the Kherson region, the Russians knocked out from the third line of defensewhich they built earlier.

At present, enemy forces are concentrated on fighting in Severodonetsk and the capture of the entire Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

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