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Zelensky called under what conditions Russia will return to negotiations with Ukraine

“The corner is blind only when the parties do not want to solve the problem. There are two sides: Ukraine, around which the world is united, and Russia, which barbarously seizes foreign territories. And if at least one side wants to solve this problem, we will definitely solve it. We do not see the desire of the Russian Federation to sit down at the negotiating table and diplomatically, without killing and bullying, unleash a solution to this war. Why? Because she still feels the power“Zelensky said.

The President noted that the world can help weaken Russia with a powerful sanctions policy.

“You can’t introduce half (of the sanctions – ed.) and wait for the result – how else will Russia get around these or those sanctions. You need to work powerfully in this regard, sometimes losing this or that money. But this is temporary. And you won’t lose it in the end, after all you earn the main thing – independence“, added the President.

According to the president, no country in the world should dictate rules to the whole world and manipulate it in the energy and food sectors.

“And what’s next? Next Poland, the Baltic countries, Europe – missile strikes. Then it will be the same in business. And you know this very well. The appetite of a state that has violated international law and our territorial integrity is great… Then it will start dictating conditions for you, how to do business, with whom, with which states to have business relations, and with which not,” the president said.

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